Unit 4 Verbs Flashcards
Week 4 Irregular Verbs
Cavé. (dig)
I dug.
Lo pegaste a la pared. (stick) You _______ it to the wall.
You stuck it to the wall.
It spun.
Ardía. (sting)
It stung.
Él lo golpeó. (formal) (strike)
He struck him. (formal)
Ella columpiaba. (swing)
She swung.
Lo colgamos. (hang)
We hung it.
Usted se deslizó. (slide)
You slid.
Alumbrabais el camino. (light) You _______ the way.
You lit the way. (“lighted” is also acceptable but less common)
Ellas dispararon. (shoot)
They shot.
Ellos encuadernaron el libro. (bind)
They bound the book.
Ustedes lo encontraron. (find)
You found it.
Lo molí. (grind)
I ground it.
Lo enrollabas. (wind)
You wound it.
He cavado. (dig)
I have dug. I’ve dug.
Lo has pegado a la pared. _________ to the wall. (stick)
You’ve stuck it to the wall. You have stuck it to the wall.
Había girado. (spin)
It’d spun. It had spun.
Ha ardido. (sting)
It has stung. It’s stung.
Él lo había golpeado. (formal) (strike)
He had struck him. He’d struck him. (formal)
Ella lo ha balanceado. (swing)
She has swung it. She’s swung it.
Lo hemos colgado. (hang)
We have hung it. We’ve hung it.