Unit 4- somewhat know Flashcards
The institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies
Political power
expressed geographically as control over people, land, and resources
Boundary definition (phase of boundary development)
phase in which the boundary is negotiated and legally described
Boundary delimitation (phase of boundary development)
phase in which the boundary is drawn on the map
International Sanctions
policies or actions designed to induce states to change their behavior (Ex. embargo (ban) on military, technological, and luxury goods with North Korea/Cuba, freeze on Iranian assets, boycott of trade with South Africa over Apartheid: racial discrimination policy)
when voting districts are redrawn due to changes in population
Subnational Political Territorial Unit
region that is given greater autonomy from the central government
Semi-autonomous Region
an area which can govern itself in certain areas, but does not have complete power to govern (Ex. Nunavut (Canada), Native American reservations (U.S.)
Causes of Devolution
ethnic separatism (religion, language, ethnicity)
- economic and social issues
- irredentism
- physical geography
- centrifugal forces
- terrorism
- ethnic cleansing
political and/or economic alliance of three or more states that is formed for mutual benefit to promote shared goals and resolve disputes, but can limit the economic or political actions of member states creating a challenge to state sovereignty
United Nations (UN)
union formed to promote international world peace and security after WWII, comprised of 6
principal organs that meet to decide on common issues and policies
Another basic concept embodied in the Constitution is federalism, which refers to the division and sharing of power between the national and state governments.
What do nations desire?
Political Autonomy
Autonomous Region
an area which governs itself, but is not an independent country
e.g. Greenland, The Azores, Hong Kong, Catalonia and Basque region (Spain)
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
A zone from which military forces or operations or installations are prohibited
Result of centripetal forces
centripetal forces can lead to ethnonationalism, more equitable infrastructure development, and increased cultural cohesion