Unit 4- Russia Flashcards
Karl Marx
had an economic view of history, encouraged workers to unite, communist manifesto, Das kapital (anything that can be used to produce something)
5-year plan
collective agriculture will cause rapid industrialization (1928)
farms run by government, large plantations where slaves worked
provisional government
set up march 14, kerensky was the leader, Duma disbanded, continued war, Nicholas II abdicated
rich peasants, private owners, farmers who had their own land
group of high level communists who made decisions when the leader was gone, formed new elite, ran the country
target old Bolsheviks, torture the people to make confess, army leaders court martialed
village farms created by serfs, cooperative
Red Army
successful in battle, gave land to the peasants/ Red Terror- physical extermination of opposition
Russo-Japanese army
lead to Bloody Sunday, protests, strikes, peasants were unhappy, “crossing the t”
Bloody Sunday
led by gapon, organized march to palace to tell the tsar that things are bad, reacted with strike
1905 revolution
reforms tried, no real power, tsar kept dismissing the Duma
effects of WWI on Russia
people angry over how the government handled the war, no food, caused Bolshevik revolution
removed Stalin’s statues, Kruschev called for reforms, accused Stalin of killing soviets
Gorbachev & USSR economy
stopped arms race, announced foreign policy based on diplomacy, created new domestic policies
reason for buffer zones
Stalin wanted to protect himself after WWII