Unit 4 - Operant Conditioning Flashcards
E.L. Thorndike Law of effect / Puzzle Box
Probability of an action being repeated is strengthened when followed by a pleasant or satisfying consequence.
Operant Conditioning
Behavior is strengthened if followed by reinforcement or diminished if followed by punishment.
Operant Chamber (B.F. Skinner)
Bar or key that an animal manipulates to obtain a reinforcer.
Procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior towards the desired target behavior through small steps.
Discriminative Stimulus
Stimulus that elicits a response after association with reinforcement.
Causes behavior to be repeated/strengthened.
Positive Reinforcement
Add a desirable stimulus.
Negative Reinforcement
Remove an aversive (negative) stimulus to provide relief.
WEAKENS or decreases the behavior it follows.
Positive punishment
Add an aversive (negative) stimulus.
Ex. yelling, spanking
Negative punishment
Removing a rewarding stimulus.
Ex. grounding, taking away privileges
Primary Reinforcer
A naturally reinforcing stimulus
Ex. food or drink.
Secondary Reinforcer
Learned reinforcer that gets its reinforcing power through association with the primary reinforcer.
Ex. money, toys
Immediate Reinforcer
Reinforcer that occurs instantly after a behavior
Ex. food pellet.
Delayed Reinforcer
Delayed time for a certain behavior
Ex. Paycheck.
Respondent Behavior
Behavior that occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus.
Continuous Reinforcement
Reinforces the desired response each time it occurs.
Partial (Intermittent) Reinforcement
Reinforces a response only part of the time and shows greater resistance to extinction.
A system for electronically recording, amplifying, and feeding back things like blood pressure or muscle tension.
Allows users to learn techniques for controlling a particular physical response.