Unit 4 Marketing Chapter 1 Flashcards
What are the 5 benefits of market segmentation & targeting
- increased understanding of target audience
- easy to identify trends/changes in target audience
- resources more efficiently used as they focus on needs of specific target audience
- more efficient tailoring/development of market programs
- increased potential for setting achievable & realistic objectives
What is segmentation & targeting
Process to divide target market (audience) into different groups
Based on certain characteristics
Grouping of people who share similar characteristics (1 or more aspects in common)
Why should an org segment its market
- help create custom marketing mix (4p‘s) for each segment
- help deal with variety of preferences of market to spend/buy a product
- identify group of individuals with homogeneous needs & preferences
What are the segmentation quality criteria (hamave)
Homogenous Accessible Measurable Actionable Viable/substantial Ethical
What does Kotler mean with benefits & sacrifice
Benefits: tangible benefits of a product that influence consumer choice among competing alternatives
Can involve augmented features or product offering e.g maintenance and delivery
It is perceived by customers
Sacrifice: need to give up something to get benefits
Money, time, energy, effort
What are the characteristics to segment b2c markets
What are the 5 criteria for segmentation of b2b markets
- Geographic: location of org/ head office; local vs global firm
- Business demographics: size, age (start up), org form(sole trader,partnership,company),sector (public/private), nature of business (agricultural, manufacturing,service)
- Behavioral: current or potential clients, competitors customers, value & volume of purchase, frequency of purchase,nature of purchase
- Decision making process: who makes/ influences decisions, how many ppl make decision, how fast is process
- Personal characteristics of decision maker: age,experience, risk taker? & loyalty to supplier, negotiation style
What do Dibb & Simkin suggest to ask when deciding which segment to target?
- How many segments should be targeted?
2. Which segments should be targeted?
What is undifferentiated targeting strategy
It involves mass marketing that is not tailored to different segment
What are the differentiated targeting strategies
Single segment: develop single product or service offering for a specific target group
Multi segment