Unit 4 Learning Flashcards
process of acquiring new and relatively enduring information or behaviors through experience
decreasing responsiveness as a result of repeated exposure to a stimulus
Associated learning
learning that certain events occur together (two stimuli, or a response and its consequence)
respondent behavior
behavior that occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus; produced by classical conditioning
operant behavior
behavior that operates on the environment, producing consequences; produced by operant conditioning
cognitive learning
acquisition of mental information, whether by observing events, watching others, or through language
John B. Watson’s view that psychology should be 1) an objective science that 2) studies behavior without reference to mental process
neutral stimuli(NS)
In classical conditioning, a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning
unconditioned response(UR)
In classical conditioning, an unlearned, naturally occurring response to an unconditioned stimulus(US)
Conditioned response(CR)
In classical conditioning, a learned response to a previously neutral but not conditioned stimulus(CS)
In classical condition: the initial stage when a neutral stimulus is linked to an unconditioned stimulus so the NS triggers the conditioned response
In operant conditioning: the strengthening of a reinforced response
diminishing of a conditioned response
In classical conditioning: occurs when a CS is not followed by a US
In operant conditioning: occurs when a response is no longer reinforced
Spontaneous Recovery
the reappearance of a weakened CR after a pause of the extinguished CR
the tendency for stimuli similar to the CS to elicit similar responses
In operant conditions: occurs when responses learned in one situation occur in other similar situations
In classical conditioning: the learned ability to distinguish b/w a CS and similar stimuli that do not signal an US
In operant conditioning: ability to distinguish responses that are reinforced from similar responses that are not reinforced
Operant conditioning
a type of learning that increases the occurrence of a behavior followed by a reinforcer and decreases the occurrence of one followed by a punisher
law of effect
Edward Thorndike’s principle; stated that rewarded behaviors were likely to recur and punished behaviors were less likely to
operant chambering
the Skinner box; included a food/water reinforcer and a lever/bar for the animal to manipulate
any event that leads to an increase in the preceding behavior
reinforcing desired behavior in successive approximations
discriminative stimulus
stimulus that is associated with a reinforcer, therefore eliciting a response