Unit 4: Later Middle Ages Flashcards
Ruled from 768-814. Was known as the king of the franks before being crowned holy roman emperor. Charlemagne forced pagans to convert to christianity. He encouraged education and culture. Crated a standardized form of writing. Introduced economic and religious reforms. Dies in 814
Decentralized government
When the authority and responsibilities of a place are independent of the central government.
Centralized government
When the authority and responsibilities are concentrated in one person or group pf people
Treaty of verdun. (843)
Treaty that split the frankish empire in three: lothair, charles the bald, louis the german.
Catholic church
Branch of christianity, have beliefs such as purgatory, which is not in the bible
Leader of the church. God’s representative on earth. Superior to the king in all spiritual matters.
Essentially a system of exchange. The king gave land to the vassals in exchange for loyalty. The vassals gave land and serfs to knights in exchange of military service. Vassals gave protection to peasants in exchange for work. It was important because it separated western europe. It also created very strict social classes
Military men who fought on horse
Code of chivalry
The responsibilities and behavior of the knights. Consisted of four major obligations: defend your feudal lord, be devoted to your heavenly lord, serve your chosen lady, protect the weak and poor
A form of medieval slave. They could not be bought or sold.
Was like an estate. It included farms, forests a manor house or castle, a church, a village or two, or maybe a city
A lord was a nobleman who lived in the manor house. He was in control of the manor.
Believed to be the place a christian’s soul goes after death. It is not in the bible
Committing a good deed for forgiveness after committing a sin. You also have to pay for the crime that you did
Paying the church. Usually 10% of what you earned.
When someone is expelled from the church. This means you will go to hell
First crusade
1095-1099. Armies from europe drove out the turks from jerusalem
Speech at clermont
In 1095, pope urban II, called for a crusade against the muslims, who were occupying holy land and were attacking the byzantines.
Has religious importance for christians and muslims. Were the target for the crusades.
The temple of the mount
Where abraham took isaac to sacrifice him.
Site of the first and second temples of jerusalem.
Site of the furthest most sanctuary reached by muhammad and the angel gabriel.
Home of the dome of rock.
Islamic golden age
Experienced by the abbasids. The golden age had innovations in almost all fields (mathematics, agriculture, physics, chemistry, health, etc.).
Legacy of the crusades
The lasting effects were: Contact between cultures that had limited contact prior to the crusades. Exchange of ideas and customs. Economic stimulation. Increased trade. Improved infrastructure. Middle class grew stronger. Serfs improved social standing. Crusader states were the first european expansion outside of europe. Establishment of military orders.
Capital of the byzantine empire. Was difficult to attack because of it’s barriers.
Pope urban II
Made the speech at clermont. He is important because he agreed to help alexius, starts the crusades.
1081-1118. Makes a slight recovery for the byzantines. Still fears attacks from the seljuk turks and asks pope urbam II for help.
Attacked the franks right before the crusades and weakened the empire.
Uses bow and arrow to attack
Artillery of the middle ages. They were used for defense and offense. Stones were used as ammunition.
Gothic architecture
Was the style the churches at that time were made in
Robin hood
A fictional character who took from the rich and gave to the poor
The holy roman empire
After charlemagne was crowned holy roman emperor by pope leo III, the holy roman empire begins. Holy because of its affiliation to the church. Roman becuase of its ties to the city of rome