Unit 1: Ancient Rome Flashcards
The early founding of Rome
Rome probably started as a farming village around the year 750 B.C.
It was established on the Tiber River
Legend says that Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus
Romulus and Remus
Romulus and Remus were twins that lived in Latium. The king there felt threatened by them and he sent them as children to drown in the Tiber River. They survived. When they grew up they killed the king who wanted to drown them and decided to build their own city. Romulus killed Remus over an argument of where the city would be. He named the city “Rome”
Servius Tullius
Was an Etruscan king who invented census
This divided people into social classes
It helped to be more organized
Invented legions (groups pf soldiers)
The establishment and organization of the Roman republic
In 509 B.C.E, a group of patricians overthrew the las Etruscan king
This led to the establishment of the Republic
The republic consisted of a senate
The senate had 2 consuls
The decisions of the senate were treated as law
From republic to empire
Patricians held all the power
Plebians started to rebel in 494 B.C.E, they gained equality and made the twelve tables were laws were written down in 451 B.C.E.
A constitution was written.
“The people’s good is the highest law.” -Cicero
From republic to empire (the 4 periods of expansion)
1st period of expansion: 509-264 B.C.E
Rome conquers their latin neighbors, gains control of the Italian peninsula
2nd period of expansion: 264-146 B.C.E
Rome fought carthrage (north africa) these 3 wars were called the punic wars
3rd period of expansion: 145-44 B.C.E.
Rome ruled the entire Mediterranean world. Rome gains control of the East while Julius Caesar conquers Gaul
4th period of expansion: 44 B.C.E.- 14 C.E.
Rome transitions to an empire ruled by Caesar Augustus. Rome expands from Britain to the Black Sea. Julius Caesar wanted power and was banned from Rome, but then returned to be the emperor and ended the republic.
Marc Anthony
Octavian defeats Marc Anthony in a fight to be the emperor and Marc Anthony flees to egypt to be with Cleopatra, but they both kill themselves
Caesar Augustus
He was Julius Caesar’s grand nephew. His real name was Octavian but was changed to Caesar Augustus. This period was known as “Pax Romana.” “I found it brick and left it marble.”
This was a very good time for Rome.
Julius Caesar
General who conquered Gaul. Then became emperor and ended the republic to start the empire
Punic Wars
Were in the second period of expansion were Rome fought Carthrage in three major wars
Daily life in Rome
1 million people lived in Rome at its height Crime and disease was really common Lifespan was 20-35 Families were ruled by the father Some entertainment was free Education was for the wealthy Some entertainment was only for the rich
Social classes
Patricians: rich 5%pop
Plebians: middle-low class 95%pop
Rome military
Rome had a very powerful and big army and conquered a lot of Europe because of that
Some entertainment was for the rich, but some was for everyone
Rich: plays, musical performances, etc.
Everyone: chariot races(circus maximus), gladiator fights (colusseum)
“Bread and Circuses for the masses”
The leaders of Rome gave free food and entertainment to the poor so they will be happy and won’t rebel
The great fire of 64 C.E.
In this year 70% of Rome burned down. Nero, the emperor of that time, blamed the christians. Some think Nero started the fire for his own purposes.
Life as a gladiator
Gladiators had to fight with animals or other people to the death
Life as a slave
Slaves had to go wherever and do whatever their masters told them
The origins and spread of christianity
Christianity was open to everyone It was monotheistic The christians tried to change roman beliefs The christians grew in secret They were persecuted
Nero’s persecution of the christians.
Nero sent to kill many christians because of their beliefs. Many christians died( about 5 thousand)
He had a vision to fight for the christians. He became the first baptized emperor. More people became christian after that
Rome’s fall
Rome began too big to control. It dived into 2 parts. The western half got attacked too often. The east had all the rich people. It became more and more divided.
Statement of Inquiry:
“A society may fall, but aspects of its greatness may remain.”