UNIT 4 - Introduction to the nervous system Flashcards
Division of the nervous system
Central nervous sytem - barain & spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous system - cranial nerves , spinal nerves & ganglia
Subdivisions of the PNS ( peripheral nervous system )
1.Sensory (Afferent) Division – carries impulses toward CNS from receptors.
2.Motor (Efferent) Division – carries impulses away from CNS to effectors.
a. Somatic Nervous System – carries impulses to skeletal muscle
b. Autonomic Nervous System – carries impulses to cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands
Neuroglia = glial cells
▪ supporting cells that aid the function of neurons
▪ more abundant than neurons
▪ mitotic (can divide)
▪ four types in CNS and two types in PNS
Neuroglia of CNS
Astrocytes – help with exchanges between neurons & capillaries; control chemical environment around neurons.
Microglial cells – defensive cells; can become phagocytic.
Ependymal cells – line cavities of the brain where they help to circulate CSF (cerebrospinal fluid).
Oligodendrocytes – form myelin sheaths around axons in the CNS.
Neuroglia of PNS
satellite cells - similar to astrocytes of the CNS.
Schwann cells - surround nerve fibers in the PNS and form myeline sheaths.
Neurons - RGCRHLA
- Respond to stimuli
- generate & conduct nerve impulses
- release chemical regulators ( neurotransmitters)
- high metabolic rate
- long - lived
- amitotic ( don’t divide)
Structure of neurons - three main parts
- Cell body - large central portion containing nucleus .
- Dendrites - cellular processes that carry impulses towards the body (usually numerous)
- Axon - cellular process that carries impulses away from the body ( usually 1 )
Terms associated with neuron parts :
- Nuclei = clusters of cell bodies in the CNS
- Ganglia = clusters of cell bodies in the PNS
- Tract = bundle of axons in CNS
- Nerve = bundle of axon in the PNS
- Nerve fiber = any long axon
Special features of neurons
▪ Axon hillock – cone-shaped region of the cell body from which the axon emerges.
→ This is the area where nerve impulses are first generated.
▪ Axon terminals – bulb-like distal endings of axon that contain many synaptic vesicles.
Unmyelinated vs Myelinated Fibers - 1UN
Unmyelinated – thin nerve fibers with no myelin sheath.
Myelinated Fibers
Myelinated – axons with myelin sheath surrounding them.
▪ Myelin sheath – formed (in the PNS) from Schwann cells that wrap repeatedly around an axon.
◦ Myelin is a whitish lipoprotein in the
Schwann cell membrane.
◦ Insulates axon.
Myelinated Fibers (cont)
▪ Neurilemma – outer part of Schwann cell surrounding the myelin sheath.
▪ Myelin sheath gap (nodes of Ranvier) – gaps in the myelin sheath between adjacent Schwann cells.
what is the Myelin sheath?
▪ Myelin sheath – formed (in the PNS) from Schwann cells that wrap repeatedly around an axon.
◦ Myelin is a whitish lipoprotein in the
Schwann cell membrane.
◦ Insulates axon.
FUNCTIONAL classification of neurons - 3 main
1 . Sensory (afferent) neurons – carry impulses from sensory receptors into the CNS.
Functional classification of neurons
- Motor (efferent) neurons – carry impulses out of the CNS to effector organs (muscles and glands
Functional Classification of neurons
- Association neurons (interneurons) – connect sensory & motor neurons.▪ located entirely within the CNS.
▪ provide the integrative functions of the nervous system.
STRUCTURAL classification of neurons . 3
- Multipolar Neurons – have many dendrites and one axon.
- all association neurons and most motor neurons are of this type
- most common
STRUCTURAL classification of neurons
- Bipolar Neurons – one dendrite and one axon
- found in retina of eye and cochlea of ear
- rare
STRUCTURAL classification of neurons
- Unipolar Neurons – short single process emerges from the cell body and divides (like a T) into two branches.
- most found in ganglia in the PNS functioning as sensory neurons
Membrane Ions Channels
▪ Proteins in membrane that transport one or more specific ions across the plasma membrane.
▪ Crucial to establishing the resting membrane potential (RMP) and to generating an action potential.