Muscle structure Flashcards
Three types of muscle tissue:
Skeletal, cardiac and smooth (visceral)
Properties of muscle tissue:
- Excitability (irritability) - responds to stimuli
-Contractility - can shorten
- Extensibility - can lengthen
-Elasticity - returns to original length after stretching
characteristics of skeletal muscle:
- Attach to bones
- Cells are multinucleate
(many nuclei in each cell) - Has visible striations under microscope
- Under voluntary control
functions of skeletal muscle tissue
▪ Movement
▪ Maintaining posture
▪ Stabilizing joints
▪ Heat production
Gross anatomy of a skeletal muscle:
connective tissue coverings
- Endomysium – surrounds each individual muscle cell or fiber
- Perimysium – surrounds groups of fibers, bundling them into fascicles
fascicle – a bundle of muscle fibers
- Epimysium – surrounds entire muscle
- All three connective tissue coverings connect with each other and with tendons.
Tendons: cords of dense irregular c.t. that are continuous with the three connective tissue layers surronding muscle.
- attach muscle to bone
- fuse with the periosteum of bone
nerve & blood supply
Vascular – each muscle is served by at least one artery and one or more veins
Nerves – each skeletal muscle fiber is attached to a nerve cell axon at a neuromuscular junction
Both embedded in c.t. coverings
Microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle fiber-
▪ Muscle fibers (= muscle cells) - are made up of many myofibrils.
→ Myofibrils are made up of sarcomeres aligned end-to-end.
→ Within the sarcomeres are many myofilaments with a specific
Two types of myofilaments:
1-Thick myofilaments:
Mostly comprised of a protein called myosin.
second type of myofilaments
- Thin myofilaments – mostly comprised of a protein called actin but also contains two regulatory proteins called troponin and tropomyosin
A band – dark band due to presence of both actin & myosin
I band – light band due to presence of actin only
Z disc – located in center of I band
H zone – lighter region in center of A band and containing only myosin
Sarcomere – functional unit that extends from one Z disc to the next
The striations are due to the arrangement of thin and thick myofilaments.
Proteins involved in contraction:
- Myosin – composed of a rod-like tail and two heads
▪ the heads have ATP binding sites and contain the ATPase enzyme.
▪ comprise thick myofilaments
Proteins involved in contraction: 2
- Actin – spherical proteins linked in a chain
▪ have active sites for myosin heads to bind
▪ comprise thin myofilaments
Proteins involved in contraction: 3
- Troponin & Tropomyosin – two proteins that form the TT complex;
▪ coil around actin in thin myofilaments
▪ configuration is controlled by calcium
protein involved contraction: 3 pt2
- Troponin & Tropomyosin (cont.)
▪ troponin – binds & releases calcium; also bound to tropomyosin
▪ tropomyosin – strand-like; blocks active sites in relaxed muscle
special cellular structures:
1- sarcolemma
muscle cell’s plasma membrane
2- sarcoplasma
muscles cell’s cytoplasm
- stores large amounts of:
glycogen & myoglobin ( red pigment - stores oxygen)
3- Transverse tubules (T tubules):
tubular continuations of the sarcolemma that run through the cell like tunnels
4 - sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
muscle cell’s smooth ER
- terminal cisternae- expanded portions that run along side.
- stores calcium
5 Triads
two terminal cisternae and a T tubule clustered together.
Skeletal muscle fiber at rest:
▪ Thick and thin filaments overlap only slightly.
▪ Ca2+ in sarcoplasm is low.
(Ca2+ is stored in the SR.)
- ATP, the cell’s energy source, is bound to myosin heads.
▪ Tropomyosin occupies the binding sites on actin.
(Therefore, no cross bridges are formed)
Sliding filament model overview - contraction of skeletal muscle
▪ Contraction of a muscle occurs by the sliding of thin filaments past thick filaments due to power strokes of the myosin cross bridges.
▪ Adjacent A bands are pulled closer together as the I bands between them shorten (the
H zones also shorten.)
sliding filament model (cont)
▪ As the sarcomeres and myofibrils shorten, the entire muscle shortens (contracts).
▪ The actin and myosin myofilaments themselves do not change length.
Sliding Filaments Model-
when the myosin heads attach to actin, heads to pull the actin, the heads swivel to pull the actin, and shorten the sarcomere.
initiatin of muscle contraction:
▪ Contraction is initiated by stimulation of the muscle by a motor neuron at the neuromuscular junction.
Mechanics of muscle contraction: 1
1-Axon terminals of motor neuron release acetylcholine (ACh) into synaptic cleft at the neuromuscular junction.
Mechanics of muscle contraction- 2
2- The ACh diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to ACh receptors on the muscle fiber. This triggers propagation of an action potential along the sarcolemma and down the T-tubules of muscle fiber.
Mechanics of muscle contraction - 3
- Action potential stimulates release of Ca2+ ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) into the sarcoplasm.
Mechanics of muscle contraction - 4
- Ca2+ released from the SR binds to troponin, causing it to change shape. This conformation change causes tropomyosin to move away from actin’s active sites.
Mechanics of muscle contraction - 5
- With tropomyosin out of the way, the active sites are exposed, and myosin heads attach to actin forming cross bridges.
Mechanics of muscle contraction - 6
- ADP & Pi are given off by the myosin head as ATP is broken down to supply energy for the power stroke.
Mechanics of muscle contraction - 7
Power stroke - the myosin molecule tilts and bends toward the center of the sarcomere, thus propelling actin toward the center. This is called the working stroke or power stroke.
Mechanics of muscle contraction - 8
- A new ATP binds to the myosin head, which causes it to detach from actin. Now, the cycle can repeat.
Mechanics of muscle contraction - a few notes
▪ There are about 200 myosin per thick filament (with each myosin head contributing to the movement of the thin filament).
▪ Each myosin head attaches & detaches many times to maximize movement of the thin filament.
▪ This process of the thin filaments “sliding” over the thick ones is known as the sliding filament model.
Mechanics of muscle contraction - a few notes pt2
▪ Myosin heads attach & detach asynchronously.*
◦ produces smooth, continuous movement.
◦ ensures that thin filament will not snap back to its relaxed position as it might if all myosin heads detached at the same time.
Mechanics of muscle contraction - a few notes pt 3
▪ Shortening (contraction) of the sarcomere occurs as the myosin cross bridges pull the thin filaments toward center of the sarcomere.
→ provides the basis for the contraction of the myofibrils, muscle fibers & also the whole muscle.
Muscle’s return to relaxed state
▪ When the nerve impulse stops, calcium from sarcoplasm is actively transported back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
▪ As a result, tropomyosin again blocks actin’s active sites, and contraction ends as cross bridge formation is prevented.
Muscle’s return to relaxed state: pt 2
▪ When the nerve impulse stops, calcium from sarcoplasm is actively transported back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
▪ As a result, tropomyosin again blocks actin’s active sites, and contraction ends as cross bridge formation is prevented.
Muscle’s return to relaxed state - pt3
▪ With no cross bridges linking the thick and thin filaments, thin filaments slide back to their resting or relaxed position.
Final notes on muscle conytraction - ATP
▪ As ATP is usually readily available in skeletal muscle fibers, ATP is not the factor regulating muscle contraction.
▪ Instead, sarcoplasmic levels of calcium determine when a muscle can contract.
ATP in muscle contraction
ATP is required:
•To maintain the resting membrane potential via the Na+/K+ ATPase pump so the cell can depolarize when stimulated.
•For active transport of calcium into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
•To provide energy for the power stroke.
•To allow the myosin heads to detach.
oRigor mortis occurs when ATP runs out. The heads get locked in place causing stiffness.