Unit 4-Human Resources Flashcards
HR Manager
Co-ordinates all the activities involved in acquiring, developing, maintaining and terminating employees from an org.
How does HR assist with the achievement of business objectives/strategies?
By: -focusing on positive employment/ work relationships to motivate staff, increase productivity and therefore help to achieve objectives.
-working closely w other departments such as operations in the recruitment of staff.
Employee expectations
- Good conditions of employment
- OH&S regulations must be met
- Fair treatment by employer
- Job security
- Family friendly workplace
Employer expectation of their employees
- to be on time
- to follow management standards
- to work effectively as part of a team
- to meet set deadlines for work assignment
- to deliver high work standards
Employer of choice
Get definition
Industrial democracy
The move towards increasing the influence of employees in decisions affecting their org and their jobs
Workplace diversity
Refers to the differences b/w employees in an org, encompassing characteristics suh as race, gender, ethnic group, age, disability, sexual orientation, employment terms etc
Flexible working conditions
Patterns of work that allow orgs to work more efficiently or to allow employees to balance work and family responsibilities.
Eg. Work from home
Job sharing
Moral, economic and legal reasons to ensure OH&S
- obligation to keep employees free from harm
- financial costs associated w workplace injuries etc
- reputation
- work health and safety act 2011
Factors contributing to job insecurity
- downsizing/ restructuring
- increased competition from imports
- the GFC
- increase internet purchases
What drives an individual to effort into the job.
Maslows theory of motivation
- hierarchy of needs
- Basic needs at bottom and moves up to higher levels once a person is satisfied
Herzbergs motivation
2 levels of need: hygiene ( extrinsic) and motivation ( intrinsic ) factors.
Locke’s goal setting theory
Employees are motivated by clear goals and appropriate feedback.
Role of the HR manager (ethics)
- Assist in shaping a company’s ethical practices
- Understand legislation to ensure staff understand their legal obligations
- solve day to day problems
Legal and ethical issues in the workplace
- unethical work practices
- bullying/ harassment
- work overload
- workers compensation
HR Planning
The development of strategies to meet the orgs future HR needs
Job analysis
How many and what types of employees are required and determines the tasks they will need to perform and skills needed.
Job description
Statement of duties, working conditions and other requirements
Job specification
Statement of skills, abilities, eduction and previous experience required
Job design
Details the number, kind and variety of tasks that individual employes perform in their jobs.
The process of attempting to locate and encourage potential candidates to apply for existing or expected future job openings
Involves choosing the candidate that best matches the org requirements
Full time permanent employee
Have an ongoing employment contract which includes all legally required entitlements
Part time permanent employment
Work fewer ordinary weekly or monthly hrs compared w/ full time employees
Fixed term contract
Employment is offered for a specific period
Casual employees
Employed on an hourly basis
- do not receive a range of entitlements
Refers to monetary payment in return for the work an employee performs.
A process of acquainting new employees with the jobs they will perform and w/ the org and it’s history, culture, objectives, policies, practices
HR Management
The effective management of the formal relationship bw the employers and employees .