unit 4 exam (final exam) Flashcards
What is an antecedent stimulus?
An observable stimulus that is present before the behavior occurs.
What is discriminated operant behavior?
Operant behavior that is systematically influenced by antecedent stimuli.
What is S^D?
Discriminative stimulus - an antecedent stimulus that can evoke a specific operant response because the individual has learned that when the S^D is present that response will be reinforced
What is S-Delta?
An antecedent stimulus that decreases a specific operant response because the individual has learned that when the s-delta is present that response will not be reinforced (extinction)
What is S^Dp?
an antecedent stimulus that decreases a specific operant response because the individual has learned that when the S^Dp is present, that response will be punished.
What are the 3 terms of the 3-term contingency?
- Antecedent stimulus
- Behavior
- Consequence
IF S^D AND Response –> THEN Reinforcer
IF S-Delta AND Response –> THEN No Consequence
IF S^Dp AND Response –> Then Punisher
What is Discrimination Training?
A procedure in which an operant response is reinforced in the presence of an S^D and extinguished in the presence of an S-delta
How was discrimination training used on African rats?
Rats were trained using discrimination training to detect landmines. The S^D was TNT and the S-delta was dirt
What is generalization?
When a novel stimulus resembling the S^D evokes the response, despite that response never having been reinforced in the presence of that novel stimulus.
What are stimulus-generalization gradients?
A graph depicting increases in responding as the novel antecedent stimulus more closely resembles the S^D
What tactics are useful in promoting generalization?
- Teach behaviors that will contact natural contingencies of reinforcement
- Train Diversely
- Arrange antecedent stimuli that will cue generalization
What is a stimulus response chain?
A fixed sequence of operant responses, each evoked by a response-produced S^D
How is task analysis useful when teaching a stimulus-response chain?
They provide a precise specification of the sequence of antecedents, responses and consequences that comprise a stimulus-response chain
How is backward chaining used when teaching a stimulus-response chain?
The final link in the stimulus-response chain is taught first and once that link is mastered additional links are added in reverse order
How is forward chaining used when teaching a stimulus-response chain?
It involves teaching the links in the stimulus-response chain in the order they will need to be emitted
How is prompting used when teaching a stimulus-response chain?
A prompt is an antecedent stimulus that facilitates or guides the desired response when it is not happening under appropriate discriminative-stimulus control
How is fading used when teaching a stimulus-response chain?
Fading is the gradual removal of a prompt as the response is increasingly emitted under discriminative-stimulus control
What is choice?
Voluntary behavior occurring in a context in which alternative behaviors are possible
What are the four variables that affect choice?
- Reinforcement vs. No Consequence
- Reinforcer Size/Quality
- Effort
- Reinforcer Delay
What is Herrnstein’s matching equation
It is a simple equation that predicted how pigeons chose to allocate their behavior between pecking the left (BL) and right keys (BR). He hypothesized that these choices would be influenced by the reinforcers obtained on the left (RL) and the right (RR) keys
What do the letters of Herrnstein’s matching equation mean?
BL: Pecking the left keys
BR: Pecking the right keys
RL: Reinforcers obtained on the left
RR: Reinforcers obtained on the right