Unit 4 - Environment Flashcards
Companies able to manage production and distribution efficiently and profitable while at the same time being eco-friendly throughout all the stages/process.
Circular economy
Sustainable production of products and services with a better efficiency in using resources, less raw material, water and energy and minimization of waste.
Company: influence of the c on the environment
The companies are consumers of natural resources, which must be considered, three types:
- Renewable and non-exhaustible (air, sun)
- Renewable and exhaustive (forest)
- Non-renewable and exhaustive (oil, coal).
Company: influence of the environment on the c
Three types of influences:
- Legislative pressure (law)
- Competitive or market pressure (competitors/customers)
- Social and financial pressure (banks, public administrations etc)
When did concern about environment started and why?
Around the 1970s. Before this, the use of material and energy was small enough to recover it, but after the consumption grew so fast that resources became unlimited and exhaustive.
5 basic tools:
- Environmental impact assessment
- Life cycle analysis (LCA)
- Ecodesign
- Eco-label
- Ecological marketing
Advanced tools
EMS and environmental audit (EMAS)
Environmental impact assessment
identification, prediction, interpretation and so on of all the impacts that a specific action will contribute with.
Two documents:
1. EIStudy
2. EIStatement
This assessment will be the base of the administration’s decision whethet its ok or not to go further with the project.
Categories of effects on the environment (4)
- Intensity
- Time of appearance
- Persistence/duration
- Reversibility
Life cycle assessment/analysis (LCA
Determines the environmental impact of a product throughout all the phases of its life. Product oriented tool.
The way in which a product’s design can improve the environmental impact, including the waste-stage. Closely related to LCA.
Ecological label (eco-label)
Voluntary. Awarded to those products demonstrated to have low impact on the E in all stages of the life cycle. Independent evaluator decides.
Business vs consumer objectives of the eco-label?
Business - to promote the design and production of products with low E-impact.
Consumer - to offer greater info allowing the selection and use of products that are less harmful for the E.
4 stage to get the certification, eco-label:
- Check that the product to certify is in the list of categories.
- Check if it complies with the E-requirements established.
- Apply for the evaluation.
- If req are met –> positive evaluation –> use of European ecolabel.
Ecological marketing
Green consumers consider how the products are produced and avoid the harmful products –> company can use strong environmental positioning to focus on green consumers.
Two perspectives of the ecological marketing:
- Social - activities trying to change behaviours and values into societal/environmental beneficial and reduce harmful beh. The institutions making this are non-profit.
- Business - activities done by for-proft-org seeking to satisfy green consumers.
Which element in the EMS is different from the QMS?
That the EMS must be communicated externally. In the case of QMS, the internal communication of activities is important but in the EMS it is also crucial to communicate to external stakeholders what the company has established regarding the environmental aspects.
Dangers from the lack of an EMS in the company (3):
- Loss of market
- Pressure on the company
- Inability to increase market share
7 important elements when it comes to the implementation of an EMS:
- Priority - must be a priority throughout the whole org.
- Communication - to all stakeholders.
- Requirements - both legal + demand from consumers.
- Life cycle of products
- Resources - what is needed and allocation.
- Improvement - continuous.
- Spreading EMSs - diffusion in the market/supply chain.
ISO 14001 family: (3)
- ISO 14001 which contains requirements
- ISO 14004 with guidelines, principles etc.
- ISO 19011 guidelines for the auditing.
Objective of the 14001 norm:
To specify req. for an EMS that is used to improve its environmental performance. Help to achieve the results set up by the policy and add value to the consumers/environment and comply to legal req.
It does not state specific environmental critera, each org set up their own suitable for its type of org.
- It is certifiable and applicable to all org.
Is the structure of ISO 14001 the same as 9001?
Yes, after the norm changes in 2015, they both follow the HLS and the content of the norm is exactly the same except from a few words changed from ‘quality’ to ‘environment’.
External and internal motivations to implement ISO 14001:
External: worldwide acceptance, pressure, image, extra punctuation in contests.
Internal: environmental concern, competitiveness in the sector, step further than 9001 (diffusion factor).
Eco-Management and Audit Scheme. Third and latest version from 2018 containing requirements for compliance in ISO 14001 + other additional aspects.
Two objectives of EMAS
- Establishing a community environmental MS and audit.
2. Promoting continual improvements of organizations’ environmental behaviours.
Key elements of EMAS (3)
- Performance (voluntary improvements of environmental performance)
- Credibility (third party verification)
- Transparency (through the environmental statement and active involvement of employees.
Implementing EMAS, step by step:
- Contact your Competent Body in your country.
- Conduct and initial Environmental Review.
- PLAN - policy and programme.
- DO - implement your EMS
- CHECK - Internal environmental audit.
- ACT - continuous environmental performance improvements.
- Report! Make the environmental report.
- Ask for verification/ validation by the verifier.
- Registration - by your Competent Body.
- Promote your environmental credentials.
Requirements for EMAS:
- That you have 14001 implemented and certified before.
- Compliance with the legal requirements.
- Then comply with the EMAS environmental requirements (basic and sectoral)
Definition of CSR:
One of out of many:
“Accomplishment of the economic, social and environmental functions of an org, but exceeding the req established by the law and community expectations.”
The 5 CSR principles:
- Compliance with legislation.
- Global (repsonsibility of all areas of supply chain)
- Ethical commitment
- Impacts: social, environmental and economic
- Orientation (stakeholders’ satisfaction)
Why is CSR important? (5)
- Globalization and its effects - reduce the rich/poor gap.
- Increased power of companies to the detriment of states (companies have more to say than the government)
- FDI (connected to development)
- Offshoring
- Privatization of basic services
Which ISO is for CSR?
ISO 26000 -aim is to encourage an org to carry out activities that go beyond legal compliance. Only a guide, no req. Not certifiable.
4 main aspects of the UN Global Compact (a principle in the field of CSR)
Human rights, labor rights, the environment and anti-corruption.
Another MS within the CSR field. Objective to improve working conditions worldwide.
GRI - Global Reporting Initiative
A non-profit org promoting economic, environmental and social sustainability. A reporting framework widely used around the world. Transparent sustainability. Can be used for benchmarking, demonstrating its CSR work and comparing performances.