Unit 4: Directing and supervising Flashcards
director of people and activities
process of influencing people to attain objectives
nost visible of all management functions
seeing that day to day tasks to ensure smooth running are done
watching and directing work and workers
primarily deals with influence, personality, and persuasive talents
formal authority by virtue of position
process of influencing others to achieve goals
established the 4 major leadership systems
Rensis Likert
4 major leadership systems
Exploitative authority
Benevolent authoritative
Consultative system
Participative system
lack of trust, play on fear and threat, minimal teamwork and communication, roles are dictated
exploitative authority
reward motivated but has punishment, only positive upwards two way communication, more trust byt condescendingly
benevolent authoritative
greater trust, open communication, decision extend to employees when impactful, consultation but higher up decide, horizontal and vertical discussion
consultative system
compleet confidence and trust, involvement in goal setting, high teamwork, common in flatter organization
participative system
factors of leadership
communication situation
leadership behavior and styles
employee oriented vs product oriented
initiating structure vs consideration
classifies leader according to concern for people and results
Blake Mouton managerial grid
high concern for people, low results
country club management
high concer for results low concern for people
produce or perish management
low concern for people and results
impoverished management
high concern for people and results
team management
“status qui” balances people and results but becomes mediocre
middle of the road management
jumps between country club and produce or perish
paternal management
jumps all over the grid depending on whats most beneficial
opportunistic management
Theorized assumptions on human nature and motivation
Douglas Mcgregor
assumes that work is distateful to people, most people are self centered, gullible and not ambitious or creative
Theory X
approaches to theory x
hard and soft approach
relies on coercion and tight controls
hard approach
permissive and seals harmony despite diminishing output
soft approach
assumes that work can be as natural as play, peope are creative, self directed, responsible, comitted
Theory Y
According to Mcgregor, people are.more productive when work goals align with
higher needs
If theory Y is true, what should be done
decentralization and delegation
job enlargement
partipative management
performance appraisal
self fulfilling prophecy where raising manager rxpectations boosts performance
pygmalion effect
3 Situational Leadership Models
contingency model
continuum of leadership model
vroom yettom decision model
contigency model was proposed by
Fred Fledlers
assess situations and leader according to underlying trait and match them
contingency model
used to assess attitude of the leader and reflect underlying disposition towards others
least preferred co worker
relationship oriented leader who thinks of taska ccomplishment after establishing relationships
high LPC
task oriented and only work on relationship after tasks are accomplished
low LPC
tha behavior of the leader depends on tge favorability of leadership situation which depends o 3 factors
Leader member relations
tas structure
position power
proposed continuum of leadership
Tannenbaum and Schmidt
two extremes, the left is
to the right of the continuum is
free rein
4 leadership styles on the continuum of leadership
choosing leadership styles depend on three forces
forces on the leader
in the subordinate
in the situation
pi lished in the “Leadership and Decision making” 1973 book
Vroom Yetton decision model
Three factors affecting leadership styles in Vroom Yetton
Decision quality
Team commitment
Tome constraint
5 leadership styles in Vroom Yetton
A1 use your info, decide by yourself
A2 obtain specific info, decide
C1 consult individually, decide
C2 consult as a group, decide
G2 collab and reach consensus