Unit 3: Organizing and Staffing the Laboratoru Flashcards
Self contained collecrion of interacting and interdependent components towards common purpose
3 parts of an organizational system
needed resources, supplies, knowledge, machinery, labor
conversion of resources to products and services
products and services that satisfies clients and challenges legitimacy of failed
6 traits of an organization
holistic and synergistic
purposeful ctivities
hierarchy of systems
operates on open system
seek state of stability
self regulatin
made of dependent and supportive parts (cause and effect)
holistic and synergistic
parts exists and organized to shared goal
internal components more specialized with increased size and sophistication
hierarchy of systems
receives input from outside and maintains dynami
operares as an open system
strength and source of frustration for managers
seek stability and equilibrium
specific behaviors at the exact right time
seld regulating
5 concepts of organizing
work specialization
chain of command
span of control
also called division of labor
work specialization
unbroken line of authority detemrining who reports to who
chain of command
an employee reports to only one supervisor
unity of command
links everyone to the top manager but may increase overhead cost, communication layers and slow decision making
scalar principle
formal and legitimate right of manager to make decisions issye orders and allocate resources
3 underlying pronciples of authoity
organizational position
acceptance of subordinate
flows down vertical heirarchy
3 types of authority
line authority
staff authority
functional authority
separated planning from doing
Frederick Taylor
downward transfer of authority from manager to subordinate
number of workers who report to one manager
span of control
large number of subordinates, few new problems anticipates, competent, well established SOPS
wide span
ew subordinates ohysically distances, more interaction, more new problems
narrow span
concetrate authority to higher levels
conscious attempt to spread authority
4 factors affecting span of control
external environment
nature of decision
ability of low level.managet
organizational tradition