Unit 4 Chapter 13 - Agriculture Flashcards
Abiotic factors
Physical factors such as light, temperature and water
The living organisms, physical processes and their interactions in a farming system
Anabolic steroid hormone
A female or male hormone used to increase livestock gross growth efficiency
Artificial insemination
A form of selective breeding where semen is collected from a chosen male and is inserted artificially into the chosen female to cause her to become pregnant.
Asexual reproduction
Production of new organisms using the genetic material from a single individual. The offspring are genetically identical to the parent
The direction something faces in terms of sunlight
An organism that can capture light or chemical energy from the environment to make high-energy substances such as carbohydrates. They include photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs.
A group of plant hormones
The increase in concentration of a substance in living tissue
The progressive bioaccumulation of a material along a food chain
Living organisms
Biotic factors
Biological factors such as food, predation and disease.
Bovine Somatotropin - an animal hormone used to stimulate milk production
An organism that gains its food energy from eating other heterotrophs
Carrying capacity
The greatest population that can be supported sustainably in an area.
An enzyme that can digest the carbohydrate cellulose
The complex carbohydrate that forms much leaf and wood material
An autotroph that gains its energy from chemicals such as nitrites and sulphur compounds.
An artificial form of asexual reproduction
Countryside Stewardship Scheme
A scheme where farmers could get grants for a range of activities that benefited the environment or improved amenity value for the public (now closed)
Crop rotation
The practise of growing a different crop in a field on a cycle of three, four or five years
Producing offspring by mating parents of two different breeds or varieties
Countryside Stewardship Scheme
A factor related to soil
Endemic pest
A pest that is normally present
Environmental Stewardship Scheme
A scheme where farmers gain grant payment if they gain sufficient points for practises that benefit the environment eg management of hedgerows, ditches, field margins, in-field trees etc
Environmentally Sensitive Area
An area in which farmers in selected areas were paid grants for maintaining traditional farming practises that benefited the environment eg maintaining hay meadows, grazing marshes, chalk grasslands (scheme now closed)
Epidemic pest
A pest that is not normally a problem but may become a serious pest when the population suddenly increases
Environmentally Sensitive Area
Environmental Stewardship Scheme
Chemical that stimulates fruit ripening
The process by which the nutrient level of a water body increases
The combined movement of water into the atmosphere from the evaporation from surfaces and transpiration from the stomata of leaves
Extensive agriculture
Agriculture where the maximum total yield is achieved by distributing the inputs over the total available area. Inputs per unit area are usually low.
F1 hybrid
The first generation of offspring produced by breeding from two distinct true-breeding varieties. All the offspring have the same combinations of characteristics.
Food chain
A sequence of organisms arranged to show their feeding relationships and food energy flow: primary producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer etc