Unit 4 Flashcards
Media System
all media outlets in a country
Media Outlet
a specific program, station, website
Prior Restraint
government preventing publication of material it finds objectionable
New York Times vs. US 1971
Pentagon Papers were leaked illegally. The Nixson administration said that you can’t publish it because it would threaten National security. Freedom of the press was deemed better
Journalistic Values
Objectivity was not always a value.
1. Partisan press: founding until 1830/40s
2. Penny press: mass market, so they didn’t want to offend any potential buyers
Norm of objectivity developed n this period
3. Broadcast Media: 1920s (radio) 1950s (TV)
Narrowcast media/niche journalism
Want to speak to a well defined slice of the pie
really hard to achieve in journalism. Process of selection, editing, and emphasis, reflects media outlet’s goals, journalist’s own values and professional norms
Hostile Media Phenomenon
we aren’t objective readers, conservatives and liberals see different biases
Media Outlet Goals
Watchdog Rule: scrutinizing gov’t officials, telling us when they do something wrong
Make $
What get covered
the consequences of media outlets being businesses is that market forces, audience prefer us to at least partly drive content. We want drama, conflict, scandal, crime, and criticism of the government
Horserace phenomenon
we want to see who is ahead, polls and stats
Paid Media
Campaign ads that politicians pay for
Free Media
Politicians get covered by talking in sound bytes, talking points and with dramatic visuals. IT is “earned media”
News Management Strategies
needed to control your image in the media
sound bytes
dramatic visuals
talking points
Hypodermic Hypothesis
we don’t believe everything we hear, but we worry that other people will
Agenda Setting Effect
when media cover an issue, we think it is important Oversimplified coverage Incentives to entertain us Lots of concern about bias, fake news Watchdog
Fake News
We see lots of bias against our views, we see things we don’t agree with as Fake News
Political Parties
a group that organizes to 1)win elections 2) operate the government, 3) determine policy
Party Organization
National, State, Local