Unit 4 Flashcards
Define Action Democratique (ADQ)
political party formed in 1994 by dissident members of the Liberal party - more nationalist but conservative on economic issues
Define Allaire Report
report from constitutional task force after Meech Lake, recommending decentralized federalism (chairman founded the ADQ)
Define asymmetrical federalism
One of more of the provinces has more formal authority or status than the others
Define Belanger-Campeau Commission
created by the National Assembly after Meech Lake, included both federalists and sovereignists and recommended that a referendum be held in 1992
Define Bill 101
Charter of the French Language, adopted in 1977 to preserve French language
DefineBloc Quebecois
political party formed by dissident members primarily from Conservative Party, formed after Meech Lake failed to promote Quebec independence federally.
Constitution Act of 1971
act of British Parliament that created the political units of Upper and Lower Canada and established representational government in the two colonies
Define de facto
administrative, what happens in practice
Define de jure
formal, delineated in the constitution
Define defensive nationalism
political strategy of the government of Quebec based on literalist interpretation of the Constitution, associated with Duplessis
Define distinct society clause
most controversial element of the Meech Lake Accord, recognized Canada as a partnership between English and French speaking peoples
Define front de la liberation du Quebec (FLQ)
revolutionary group formed in the 1960s attempting to secure independence of Quebec through propaganda and terrorism
Define maitres chez nous
political slogan used by Liberal Lesage in 1982, meaning masters of our own house
Define nationalism (6)
identifies the nation as the primary political value. Can involved
1 - sentiment of loyalty to a nation
2 - attitude attaching importance to distinct characteristics
3 - tendency to consider interest of one’s own nation over others
4 - doctrine maintaining national cultures should be preserved
5 - political theory that humanity is naturally divided into nations, entitled to their own government
Define October crisis
kidnapping of two hostages by FLQ in 1970 and invocation of War Measures Act