Unit 4 Flashcards
FLAVOUR; how food or drink tastes, or a particular taste
Prestaviti na kasneje
TO PUT OFF; to make sbd not like sth or not want to do sth
A FOODIE; a person who is very intrested in cooking and eating different kinds of food
A FUSSY EATER; sbd that is picky about their food and is always complaning about it
Razsipavati s hrano
WASTE; to use too much of sth badly when there is a limited amount of it
Glavni kuhar
CHEF; a skilled and trained cook who works at a restaurant, especially the most important cook
Splošna javnost
THE GENERAL PUBLIC; all ordinary people
PORTION; the amount of food served to one person, especially in a restaurnat
FEED; food eaten by animals that are not kept as pets
DONATE; to give money or goods to help a person or organisation
Ostanki hrane
LEFTOVER FOOD; food remaining after a meal
CRUST; the outside layer of a loaf of bread
EDIBLE; suitable or safe for eating
Potrošnik, kupec
CONSUMER; a person who buys goods or services for their own use