unit 4 Flashcards
ability to detect odors
the perceptual experiences that derive from the detection of odorants and airborne chemical molecules
-serve as an entryway into the nasal cavities
Nasal Septum
-separated by a wall of cartilage
bony knots of tissue that serve to disperse air within the nasal cavity
olfactory cleft
the channel at the back of the nasal cavity that funnels air up toward the olfactory epithelium
olfactory epithelium
a mucous membrane inside each nostril of the nose that contains receptor cells for the olfactory system
-species that are heavily dependent on their olfactory system
-pigs, bears, and dogs
species that are less dependent on their olfactory system
-humans and rely on vision and audition
trigeminal nerve
-nerve that is associated with the feel of odorants; also known as the 5th cranial nerve
cribriform plate
a perforated section of skull bone that separates the nose from the brain
-the inability to smell, usually caused by cribriform plate damage
olfactory nerve
-the axons of the olfactory receptor neurons that leave the nose and enter the olfactory bulb
-olfactory tract forms synapses with mitral cells and tufted cells
temporal lobe
anterior piriform cortex
-associated with representing the chemical structures of odorants
-creates a map of odorants organized by their chemical structure
posterior piriform cortex
-associated with an odors quality
-groups together odors that smell similar to us
right oribotofrontal cortex
-critical in establishing the emotional nature of odors
-allows us to enjoy some foods and reject others
tip of the nose phenomenon
-familiar to an odor, but cannot recall its name, despite feeling as if he or she can
odor and emotion
odors elicit emotions, both positive and negative
odor and memory
some odors elicit specific memories
odor and language
-disconnect between olfaction and language
-difficult to identify the names of certain odors, especially when these odorants are encountered in an unusual context
odor imagery
-the ability to experience the “smell” of a particular odor when that odor is not physically present
olfactory illusions
-illusions are situations in which what we perceive is not what is physically present
-molecules recognized by taste receptors that induce responses in taste receptors on the tongue
-the perception of the transduction of tastings along the surface of the tongue
-the combined sensory experience of a flood, which combines its taste, its odor, its effect on the trigéminas nerve, and even visual experience
Basic tastes
-sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami
taste buds
-small structures located along the surface of the tongue or mouth that contain the receptor cells
-small structures that contain the taste buds
-located mostly along the edges and top of the tongue
found along the side of the tongue
-found along the very back of the tongue in a virtual row
-found all over
-contain somatosensory receptors rather than taste buds
taste receptor cells
cells within taste buds that transduce tastants into a neural signal
receptor cells
transduce sweet tastes, umami tastes, and bitted taste
presynaptic cells
-transduce salty and sour tastes
-connected to cranial nerve fibers
-transmit signal to brain
Anterior Insular Cortex
a part of the frontal lobe that serves as the primary taste cortex
people who can detect bitter compounds
non tasters
people who cannot detect bitter compounds expect at very high concentration
-people who are extremely sensitive to bitter tastes
-they usually do not like foods with many bitter compounds
-women are more likely
-avoid bitter and spicy food