unit 4 Flashcards
used to describe any political entity that is independent from the control of any other entity
the largest political unit, formal term for a country
- has a defined boundary
- contains a permanent population
- maintains sovereignty
- is recognized by other states
the power of a political unit or government to rule over its own affairs
a group of people who have a common cultural heritage, set of beliefs/values, a traditional way to claim homeland, establishing their own state/self rule (Kurds, Catalan, Scots)
a nation of people who fit qualifications for a state (Japan, Iceland, Denmark)
a country with multiple nations, one dominant controlling political powers, and smaller nations (Canada, USA)
autonomous region
a defined area within a state with a lot of self-government and freedom from parent state
semiautonomous region
autonomous region with a few more restrictions
stateless nation
a cultural group that has no independent political entity (Navajo)
multistate nation
when a nation has a state of its own, but its people stretch across borders of other states
centrifugal forces
divides the people of a country
- regionalism
-underrepresentation and lack of political control
-uneven development (rich and poor)
centripetal forces
unite a country’s population
when loyalty to a distinct portion of a country is more important than loyalty to the entire country
support for the political interests of an ethnic group within a state (national independence or self determination)
strong feelings of patriotism and loyalty felt towards one’s country
antecedent boundary
borders have been established since before there has been major settlement by people in a territory (Malaysia and Indonesia)
subsequent boundary
borders that are drawn in areas taking different cultures into account and follows a natural dividing line between the groups (China, Vietnam)
consequent boundary
borders that are drawn in areas taking different cultures into account and seeks to separate groups to resolve conflicts (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh)
superimposed boundary
a boundary line placed over and ignoring an existing cultural pattern (Africa)
geometric boundary
political boundary defined and delimited as a straight line or an arc; artificial boundary (US Canada)
relic boundary
a former boundary line that is still discernable and marked by some sultural landscape feature, like a fence (US Mexico)
where very few people live and little to no boundaries are enforced
definition of a boundary
writing out a treaty in words
drawing boundary lines on a map
placing an indication on earth
definitional dispute
two parties fight over how to interpret the legal language in the agreement
locational dispute
dispute over where it should be; delimitation
operational dispute
how a border should be inforced, who should control border patrol
allocational dispute
fighting over who gets the natural resources
United Nations Convention Law of Sea
-territorial waters: 12 nautical miles from shore
-exclusive economic zone: 200 nautical miles from shore
-international water: after 200 miles
instability within a region that is geographically located between two states with overlapping territory & political power
the control & influence over a specific geographical space in aspects of cultural links, government, economics, boundaries, sovereignty, military
political power
control over people, land & resources
use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to influence other countries
a strategic strait/ canal that’s narrow and has competition for use
early colonialism
spain, portugal, france and britian in 1400s-1700s
wanting religious influence, economic wealth, political power
later colonialism
all other european countries (main four stepped back) in 19th century
controlling asia and africa
competition for resources and new markets
berlin conference
aka congo conference
meeting in berlin to define borders in africa
modern colonial independence movements
colonized people resisting european rule
1960-1970: 32 african nations won independence
to have self-determination, sovereignty, statehood and equality (with help from UN)
lead to civil war and neocolonialism
civil war in developing world
in former colonies
1994: rwanda genocide
caused from superimposed boundaries
spilled and affected neighboring countries (keeps africa politically unstable and poor)
cold war
1945-1990 political conflict between us and ussr mostly nonmilitary conflict for global dominance
satellite states from ussr
mutual projection
created proxy wars, nuclear races/annihilation
third world countries having to choose sides
collapse of communism
us and western allies won the cold war
1989 - berlin wall was taken down
1991 - soviet union collapsed
15 independent states
velvet divorce
stopping satellite states
federal state
unites separate political entities into an overarching system that allows each entity to maintain some degree of sovereignty
has the ability to focus on local and regional problems
unitary state
most/all governing power is held by national government
overlooked minorities
the process of legally adding territory to a state
ethnic separatism
advocacy for full political separatism from larger groups along cultural, ethnic or tribal lines
ethnic cleansing
policy made by one ethnic group to remove another ethnic group by means of violence or terror-inspiring means
organized violence towards government to create fear for advancement of political goals
a movement to unite people who share a language or other culture but are divided by a national government
people who have a primary allegiance to a traditional group or ethnicity
impact for globalization on state sovereignty
new economic networks
easier trades in goods
easier traveling
social media
multiple countries forming an organization for the benefit of all members
United Nations, NATO, European Union, USMCA, ASEAN, AC, AU
the transition from 1 ruler with absolute power (autocratic) to more representative forms of politics
category based on appearance (color) they can be ascribed categories based on what others see
ethnic group(s) someone belongs to,based on heritage and ancestry
the country where they hold citizenship can change with immigration, dual citizenship or no citizenship