Unit 3B Vocabulary and Examples Flashcards
Fundamentalism definition
the tendency among certain groups and individuals to follow the literal interpretation of the basic principles of a religion
Fundamentalism example
the Assemblies of God or the Southern Baptist Convention (organizations who are politically active and support the conservative party)
Pagan definition
a person holding religious beliefs that different than those of the main world religions
Pagan example
the original “pagans” were the followers of a religion that wasn’t Christianity, Islam, or Judaism
Pilgrimage definition
the voluntary travel to a scared site to pay respects or for spiritual reasons
Pilgrimage example
Muslims taking the pilgrimage to Mecca (have to at least once in their life)
Animism definition
the belief that objects, places, creatures, and natural events have a specific spirit and life
Animism example
Native American religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism
Ahimsa definition
the principle of practicing nonviolence towards all living beings (humans, animals, plants, etc…)
Ahimsa example
Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism are vegetarian because they believe in doing no harm
Missionary definition
a person who is sent on a religious journey to spread their religion and diffuse it to the rest of the population
Missionary example
Christian missionaries spreading Christianity throughout Europe, the Spanish sending missionaries to Latin America to promote Roman Catholicism when they colonized them -> resulted in majority of Latin America practicing the religion
Monotheistic Religion definition
a religion that believes in only one god/divine being
Monotheistic Religion example
Christianity, Judaism, Islam
Caste System definition
a set of rigid social categories that determine someone’s occupation, economic potential, and position and society
Caste System example
Hindu Caste System (high to low) -> Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudra, Dalits (slaves)
Ethnic Religion definition
a religion that closely relates to a culture or ethnic group
Ethnic Religion example
Hinduism, Judaism, Japanese Shinto
Polytheistic Religion definition
a religion that believes in more than one god/divine being
Polytheistic Religion example
Hinduism, ancient Greece religion (Zeus, Ares, etc…)
Universalizing Religion definition
a religion that offers a belief system that’s attractive to the universal population -> has many diverse members and is actively trying to get new followers
Universalizing Religion example
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism
Ghetto definition
a section of a city (particularly a slum area) in which members of any minority group live in because of social, legal, or economic pressure
Ghetto example
the Jewish community during WW2, Lower East Side of Manhattan -> predominantly Jewish but was inhabited by the Italian and Puerto Rican population
Diaspora definition
the name given to a community of people who are scattered throughout regions that are separate from their geographic place of origin
Diaspora example
Jewish diaspora when they were exiled from Israel, the removal of Africans through slavery
Hajj definition
the pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim is expected to make -> many of the people fo to the Kaaba to pray because it’s the most sacred shrine in Islam
Hajj example
Muslims taking the hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca
InTERfaith Boundaries definition
the boundaries/conflicts that occur BETWEEN the 2 of the world’s different major faiths
InTERfaith Boundaries example
Israel (Judaism) and Palestine (Islam) conflict over land, Pakistan (Islam) and India (Hindu) conflict over Kashmir
InTRAfaith Boundaries definition
the boundaries/conflicts that occur WITHIN a single major religion
InTRAfaith Boundaries example
Northern Ireland -> Protestant vs. Catholicism, Iraq -> Sunni vs. Shi’ite Muslims
Proselytize definition
to convert or attempt to convert someone from one religion/belief to another
Proselytize example
some Christians deciding to switch beliefs because of cultural or ethnic religions, Christianity and Islam -> trying to get more adherents (followers)
Secularism definition
the complete removal or absence of religion in a place (government, organizations, business, schools, etc…)
Secularism example
MegaCompanies like Amazon or Starbucks -> don’t want to offend anyone and only care about making money
Shari’a definition
the Islamic law that’s based on the teaching of the Quran and the tradition of the Prophet (Muhammad) -> the laws are interpreted, negotiated, and debated
Shari’a example
For crimes like theft, traditional beliefs call for very hard punishments according to the Shari’a
Zionism definition
the movement to unite and protection Jewish people AND to re-establish a home for the Jewish nation (post WW2)
Zionism example
Israel-Palestine conflict -> there’s no specific area where Israel begins and the surrounding places begin too (issue with Zionism)
Apartheid definition
discriminating/segregating people based on their race or ethnicity -> most common in South Africa and was a direct result of colonization
Apartheid example
the Immorality Act in 1950 (prohibited sex between white and non-white people)
Balkanization definition
the division of a place (mostly country) into smaller units because of conflict
Balkanization example
Yugoslavia breaking into Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, and Macedonia
Blockbusting definition
persuading owners to buy property cheaply because of the fear of people belonging to another race or class moving into the neighborhood -> based on racism
Blockbusting example
Real estate agents hiring a black woman to walk her dog in an all-white neighborhood and then going from house to house to ask white people to buy the house at a discounted price
CentriPETal Forces definition
forces that unite or bring people together -> they can be cultural, economic, or because of natural disasters
CentriPETal Forces example
Languages, popular sports, restaurants, religion (Roman Catholicism in Brazil, Mexico, and Latin America)
Ethnic Cleansing definition
the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society -> the goal is to establish an ethnically homogenous society
Ethnic Cleansing example
WW2 when Hitler killed Jewish (ethnicity) people in a German-controlled territory
Ethnicity definition
the state of belonging to a group that share common characteristics -> specifically tied to a place/location AND can change overtime
Ethnicity example
Common examples - Arab, Jewish, Hispanic, Irish, Japanese, African, etc…
Billy was born in Carmel, IN but moved to Japan at 6 months old and lived there until he was 16 -> in terms of ethnicity he’s Japanese because he learned the language, practiced Shinto (religion), listened to Japanese music, and watched Japanese movies
Genocide definition
the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying them -> FORM OF ethnic cleansing
Genocide example
Armenian Genocide in WW1 (happened in Turkey, Syria, Iraq), Holocaust in WW2 -> Jewish people were sent to concentration camps and were killed
Nationalism definition
the identification with one’s own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion of interests of other nations -> can lead to exclusion because it emphasizes loyalty and devotion to your nation ONLY
Nationalism example
When you become a U.S. citizen, you swear to be loyal to ONLY the U.S. AND renounce loyalty to countries that aren’t the U.S.
Xenophobia or Intolerance (extremism)
Nationality definition
a person’s legal connection or attachment to a place -> where they pay taxes, vote, driver’s license, passport, etc… -> CAN change over time
Nationality example
Billy living in the U.S. for 14 years where he got his driver’s license and paid taxes. When he moved to Spain and spent the rest of his life there, his nationality became Spanish and American
Race definition
the genetic traits/DNA that you’re given AT birth -> CAN’T CHANGE
Race example
Common examples - White/Caucasian, Black, Asian, Pacific Islander
Billy was born to 2 white parents so his race is white
Racism definition
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism, directed against a person or people on the basis of them belonging to a certain ethnic group (typically a minoritized one)
Racism example
Jeff being racist to Chinese people because he thinks they started the COVID-19 pandemic
CentriFUGal Forces definition
forces that divide people and can cause issues like tension and disunity -> can escalate and can lead to war and violence
CentriFUGal Forces example
African communities within a country being disunified because of European colonization -> forced ethnic groups that did get along with each other into one area
Roman Catholic vs. Protestant Religion in Ireland
Ethnocentrism definition
the tendency of ethnic groups to evaluate other groups according to preconceived ideas that originate from their own culture -> believe their culture in superior to another
Ethnocentrism example
European Colonization (thought they needed to “fix” the countries they colonized because they thought they were barbaric)
Ethnic Enclave definition
a cultural landscape within a community of people outside their area of origin
Ethnic Enclave example
Japantown, Chinatown, Little Havana, Little Tokyo
Invasion and Succession definition
the process by which new immigrants to a city move and dominante the area occupied by older immigrant groups
Invasion and Succession example
Hispanics moving into New York neighborhoods