Unit 3.5 Nuclear Decay (involves gambling) Flashcards
Nucleon formula???
(Describing the nucleus)
(Or actually, element layout)
A = Z + N
Define A
(Describing the nucleus)
(2 things)
- Mass number
- N° of protons and neutrons in atom
Define Z
(Describing the nucleus)
(2 things)
- Atomic number
- N° of protons in atom
Define X
(Describing the nucleus)
(3 things)
- Atomic symbol
- Abbreviation used to represent
- atom in chemical formulas
Proton number = ?
(Describing the nucleus)
Same number of electrons
Define radioactivity?
- Spontaneous disintegration
- of an unstable nucleus
- within an atom
Define radioactive emission?
- An attempt by the unstable nucleus
- to become more stable
- by emitting 3 types of radiation
What are the 3 types of radiation emitted during radioactive emission?
- Alpha
- Beta
- Gamma
What are the 2 things that stability/instability of the nucleus depend on?
- N° of nucleons
- Ratio of protons to neutrons
Skipped page 4…. probably not needed?
I’ll come back one day… or not?
What do they use to measure radiation?
A Geiger counter
How do Geiger counters’ work?
- Principle of incoming radiation ionising a gas
- by knocking out an electron
- from electron shell
- to create both negative + positive ion pair
How do u correct for background radiation?
- Subtracting the background count rate
- from the measured count rate
Correcting for background radiation expressed as a formula?
(Corrected Count rate) = [Measured Count rate] - [Background]
Describe the process of ionization?
- Addition/removal of an electron
- to gain an ion
How do them ionization cloud chambers work?
- Dry ice needed to crate a ‘supersaturated’ environment
- Cools the alcohol vapour
- Radiation ionizes the vapour - condensing the alcohol along the radiation paths
Why do beta particles produce poorly defined curved tracks?
(Ionisation within “cloud chamber”)
(2 things)
- Less ionizing
- Curved due to less mass