Unit 30: Why This Reunion Flashcards
ROSENCRANTZ: My most dear lord.
My excellent good friends.
My excellent good friends.
How dost thou, Guildenstern?
How dost thou, Goldenstern?
Ah, Rosencrantz!
Ah, Rosencrantz!
Good lads,
Good lads,
how do you both?
GUILDENSTERN: On Fortune’s cap we are not the very button.
Nor the soles of her shoes.
ROSENCRANTZ: Neither, my lord.
Then you live about her waist,
Then you live about her waist,
or in the middle of her favours.
GUILDENSTERN: Faith, her privates we.
In the secret parts of Fortune?
In the secret parts of Fortune?
O, most true-
O, most true-
she is a strumpet.
she is a strumpet.
What news?
ROSENCRANTZ: None, my lord, but the world’s grown honest.
Then is doomsday near-
Then is doomsday near-
but your news is not true.
But your news is not true.
in the beaten way of friendship
in the beaten way of friendship,
what make you at Elsinore?
Were you not sent for?
Is it your own inclining?
Is it your own inclining?
Is it a free visitation?
Come, come,
deal justly with me. Come, come,
deal justly with me. Come, come,
nay speak.
GUILDENSTERN: What should we say, my lord?
Anything but to th’ unpurpose.
Anything but to th’ unpurpose.
You were sent for,
You were sent for,
and there is a kind of confession in your looks,
and there is a kind of confession in your looks,
which your modesties have not craft enough to colour.
which your modesties have not craft enough to colour.
I know the good King and Queen have sent for you.
ROSENCRANTZ: To what end, my lord?
That you must teach me.
That you must teach me.
Be even and direct with me
Be even and direct with me
whether you were sent for or no
ROSENCRANTZ: What say you?
Nay then,
Nay then,
I have an eye of you.
I have an eye of you.
If you love me,
If you love me,
hold not off.
GUILDENSTERN: My lord, we were sent for.
I will tell you why.
I will tell you why.
I have of late,
I have of late,
but wherefore I know not,
but wherefore I know not,
lost all my mirth,
lost all my mirth,
forgone all custom of exercises and,
forgone all custom of exercises and,
it goes so heavily with my disposition
it goes so heavily with my disposition
that this goodly frame
that this goodly frame
the earth seems to me
the earth seems to me
a sterile promontory,
a sterile promontory,
this most excellent canopy
this most excellent canopy
the air,
the air,
look you,
look you,
this brave o’erhanging firmament,
this brave o’erhanging firmament,
this majestical roof fretted with golden fire,
this majestical roof fretted with golden fire,
why it appeareth nothing to me
why it appeareth nothing to me
but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours.
but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours.
What piece of work is a man-
What piece of work is a man-
how noble in reason;
how noble in reason;
how infinite in faculties,
how infinite in faculties,
in form and moving;
in form and moving;
how express and admirable in action;
how express and admirable in action;
how like an angel in apprehension;
how like an angel in apprehension;
how like a god;
how like a god;
the beauty of the world;
the beauty of the world;
the paragon of animals.
the paragon of animals.
And yet to me
And yet to me
what is this quintessence of dust?
what is this quintessence of dust
Man delights not me-
Man delights not me-
nor women neither,
nor women neither,
though by your smiling
though by your smiling
you seem to say so.
ROSENCRANTZ: My lord, there was no such stuff in my thoughts.
Why did ye laugh then,
Why did ye laugh then,
when I said man delights not me?
ROSENCRANTZ: we coted then on the way and hither are they coming to offer you service.*
What players are they?
ROSENCRANTZ: Even those you were won’t to take such delight, the tragedies of the city.
Gentlemen, you are welcome to Elsinore.
Gentlemen, you are welcome to Elsinore?
Your hands, come, then!
Your hands, come, then.
You are welcome.
You are welcome.
But my uncle-father and aunt-mother are deceived.
GUILDENSTERN: In what, my dear lord?
I am but mad
I am but mad
When the wind is southerly
When the wind is southerly
I know a hawk from a hand saw.
Is it a free visitation?
Come, come,
To visit you, my lord, no other occasion?
Were you not sent for?