Unit 28: Hamlet Messes With Polonius Flashcards
POLONIUS: How does my good lord Hamlet?
Well, God a-mercy
POLONIUS: Do you know me, my lord?
Excellent well,
Excellent well,
you are a fishmonger.
POLONIUS: Not I, my lord.
Then I would you were so honest a man.
POLONIUS: Honest, my lord
Ay, sir,
Ay, sir,
to be honest as this world
to be honest as this world
goes is to be one man
goes is to be one man
picked out of ten thousand.
POLONIUS: That’s very true, my lord.
Have you a daughter?
POLONIUS: I have, my lord.
Let her not walk i’th’ sun:
Let her not walk i’th’ sun:
conception is a blessing
conception is a blessing
but as your daughter may conceive,
but as your daughter may conceive,
Look to ‘t.
POLONIUS: What do you read, my lord?
Words, words, words.
POLONIUS: What is the matter, my lord?
Between who?
POLONIUS: I mean the matter that you read, my lord.
Slanders, sir.
POLONIUS: Will you walk out of the air, my lord?
Into my grave.
POLONIUS: My lord, I will take my leave of you.
You cannot take from me anything
You cannot take from me anything
that I will not more willingly part withal-
that I will not more willingly part withal
- except my life,
-except my life,
except my life,
- except my life,
except my life,
except my life,
except my life.
**POLONIUS: Fare you well, my lord.
These tedious fools.