Unit 3 Vocab Flashcards
An item from the past
The couple process of absorbing one cultural group into harmony with another
A world religion or philosophy based on the teaching of the Buddha and holding that a state of enlightenment can be attained by suppressing worldly desire
Contagious diffusion
The rapid widespread diffusion of a feature or trend throughout a population
A mother tongue that originates from contact between two languages
Cultural determinism
The belief that the culture in which we are raised determine who we are at emotional and behavioral levels
Cultural diffusion
The spread of cultural elements from one society to another
Cultural hearths
Heartland, source area, innovation center, place of origin of a major culture
Cultural landscape
The visible imprint of human activity and culture on a landscape
Cultural relativism
The practice of judging a culture by its own standards
Culture region
An area in which people have many shared culture traits
Cultural trait
A single element of normal practice in a culture
A regional variety of a language with differences in vocabulary grammar and pronunciation. A form of language spiked by members of a particular social class or profession
The migration of religious or ethnic groups to foreign lands despite their continued affiliation with the land and customs of their origin
Environmental determinism
The view that the natural environment has a controlling influence over various aspects of human life
Ethnic religion
A religion with a relatively concentrated spatial distribution whose principles are likely to be based on the physical characteristics of the particular location in which its adherents are concentrated
Belief in the superiority of ones own ethnic group
Extinct language
A language that was once used by people in daily activities but is no longer used
Folk culture
Culture traditionally practices by a small homogeneous, rural group living in a relative isolation from other groups
Hierarchical diffusion
The spread of an idea from persons or nodes of authority or power to other persons or places
A body of religious and philosophical beliefs and cultural practices native to India and characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being of many forms and natures
Indo-European language family
Family of languages with the greatest number of speakers, spoken in most of Europe and ares of European settlement and in much of southwestern and Southern Asia
The religion of Muslims collectively which governs their civilization and way of life
A boundary that separates regions in which different languages usage predominant
The monotheistic religion of the Jews having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Torah and in the Talmud
The organized system of spoken words by which people communicate with one another with mutual comprehension
Language families
A collection of individual languages with a common ancestor
Lingua Franca
Language used for trade
Material culture
The physical manifest ions of human activities. The most durable aspects of culture.
Monotheistic religion
A religion with 1 god
Non-material culture
Human creations that are not embodied in physical objects
A fork of speech that adopts simplified grammar and limited vocabulary from a Lingua Franca, used for communication between speakers of two different languages
Popular culture
Culture found in a large, heterogeneous society that shares certain habits despite differences in other personal characteristics
Relocation diffusion
The spread of a feature or trend through bodily movement of people from one place to another
Stimulus diffusion
The spread of an underlying principle , even though a specific characteristic is rejected
The fusion of originally different inflected forms
Time-distance decay
The declining degree of acceptance of an idea or innovation with increasing time and distance from its point of origin and source
The branch of lexicology that studies the place names of a region or a language
Cultural borrowing that occurs when different cultures of approximately equal complexity and technological level come into close contact
Universalizing religion
A religion that attempts to appeal to all people, not just those living in a particular location.
When one group of people adopt the culture traits of another culture