Unit 3 Vocab Flashcards
Topical- adj.
Designed for local application or treatment of a bodily part; referring to the topics of the day
Ectopic- adj.
Occurring or originating in an abnormal place
Utopian- adj.
Relating to an imaginary place in which the government, laws, and social conditions are perfect
Topography- n.
The features of a surface, including both natural and man-made features; the art of showing those features on a map or chart
comes from topos, the Greek word for “place”
Eccentric- adj.
Straying from or not following an established or usual style or conduct; off-center
Epicenter- n.
The location of the earth’s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake; the center or focus of activity
Egocentric- adj.
Overly concerned with oneself; self-centered
Ethnocentric- adj.
Marked by or based on the attitude that one’s own group is superior to others
from the Greek kentron and the Latin centrum, meaning “sharp point” or “center point of a circle”
Dominion- n.
An area over which one rules; domain; supreme authority
Predominant- adj.
Greater in importance, strength, influence, or authority
Domineering- adj.
Tending to control the behavior of others in a bossy manner
Domination- n.
Supremacy or power over another; the exercise of governing or controlling influence
from the Latin domus, “house,” and dominus
Omnivore- n.
An animal that eats both plants and other animals
Omnipotent- adj.
Having complete or unlimited power; all-powerful
Omnibus- adj.
Of or including many things
Omniscient- adj.
Knowing everything; having unlimited understanding or knowledge
from the Latin word omnis, meaning “all”
Holistic- adj.
Relating to or concerned with wholes or complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts
Hologram- n.
A three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern of interference produced by a beam of radiation such as a laser
Holocene- adj.
Of, relating to, or being the present geologic epoch
Holocaust- n.
(1) (usually capitalized) The mass slaughter of European civilians and especially Jews by the Nazis during WWII
(2) A thorough destruction involving extensive loss of life, especially through fire
from the Greek word holos,meaning “whole”
Retroactive- adj.
Intended to apply or take effect at a date in the past
Retrofit- v.
To furnish something with new or modified parts or equipment that was optional or unavailable at the time of manufacture
Retrogress- v.
To return to an earlier and usually worse or primitive state
Retrospective- adj.
A generally comprehensive exhibition or performance usually covering an artist’s output to date
Latin meaning “back,” “backward,” or “behind”
Temporal- adj.
Having to do with time as opposed to eternity; having to do with earthly life as opposed to heavenly existence
Contemporary- adj./n.
Occurring or existing during the same period of time; having to do with the present period
Extemporaneous- adj.
Composed, performed, spoken, or done on the spur of the moment; impromptu or improvised
Temporize- v.
To act in a way that fits the time or occasion; to give way to current opinion; to draw out discussions to gain time
from the Latin tempus, meaning “time”
Chronic- adj.
Lasting a long time or recurring frequently; always present, constantly annoying or troubling; habitual
Chronology- n.
A sequence of events in the order they occurred
Anachronism- n.
The error of placing a person or thing in the wrong time period; a person thing that it is out of its own time
Synchronous- adj.
Happening or existing at exactly the same ?time; simultaneous
from the Greek word for “time”
Triad- n.
A group of three usually related people or things; a secret Chinese criminal organization
Trilogy- n.
A series of three creative works that are closely related and develop a single theme
Triceratops- n.
One of a group of large dinosaurs that lived during the Cretaceous period and had three horns, a bony crest or hood, and hoofed toes
Trident- n.
A three-pronged spear, especially one carried by various sea gods in classical mythology
Trimester- n.
(1) A period of about three months, especially one of three such periods in a human pregnancy
(2) One of three terms into which an academic year is sometimes divided
Trinity- n.
The unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one God in Christian belief
Triptych- n.
A picture or carving made in the form of three panels side by side; something composed or presented in three sections
Trivial- adj.
of little value or importance
Greek and Latin meaning three