Unit 3: To what extent does globalization contribute to sustainable prosperity for all? Flashcards
- Able to be maintained at a certain rate or level
- Upheld
- Wealthy and successful
Sustainable Prosperity
- Continued good fortune
- Sustained wealth and success
How long is the era of contemporary globalization?
- 1945 to present day
Bretton Woods Conference
- Conference between 44 nations in Bretton, New Hampshire
- Goal was to agree on upon a set of rules for post - WW1 international monetary systems
- Western allies were concerned about rebuilding of global economy after the war
The Gold Standard
- Governments in Bretton Woods agreed to fixed exchange rate based of the gold standard
- Meant that all printed money would be connectable to gold
- Fixed exchange rate
What was a disadvantage of the gold standard?
- A country can only print as much money as held in their gold reserves
Ex. a billion dollars worth or gold can print of a billion dollars worth of currency
Fixed Exchange Rate
- Value of a countries currency is set by its government
Floating Exchange Rate
- When a currencies value is decided by supply and demand
- Not decided by governments
World Bank
- Agency of the United Nations
- Provides loans to less developed countries in financial difficulty
- Countries must meet certain political and economic conditions in order to be eligible for loans such as increased democracy and adopting free market practices
- Controlled by member countries
What must countries do to be eligible for loans from the World Bank?
- Countries must meet certain economic and political conditions such as reducing corruption, increasing democracy and adapting to Western free market conditions
Ex. less government spending on social programs
Free Market
- Market in which government contributes nothing and all businesses and property are privately owned
International Monetary Fund
- International monetary system that works to bring stability to international monetary affairs and to help expand world trade
Which international agency is the “lender of the last resort”?
- International Monetary Fund
- supplies emergency funds/loans to countries experiencing short term cash flow problems
What is the main difference between the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund?
- World Bank is in charge of long-term financial assistance for countries in need
- International Monetary Fund is in charge of monitoring exchange rates and providing short-term financial assistance
How is the International Monetary Fund funded?
- Quotas (proportional shares that members pay)
- Share is based on it’s relative size in the worlds economy
- More you contribute, more say you have
Who founded the World Bank and International Monetary Fund?
- John Maynard Keynes
John Manyard Keynes
- Founded the World Bank and International Monetary Fund
- Called for a larger role of government in economy
- Believed that government intervention was necessary to increase total spending and to prevent recession
- Keynesian Economics
- Reduced period of economic activity lasting longer than 6 months (2 business quarters)
- Situation in which the amount of currency in each circulation increases yet each unit of currency buys less
General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
- Agency if the United Nations
- Established in 1947
- Membership of 23 countries
-operated according to four principles - Early version of World Trade Organization
What was the purpose of the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade?
- Reduce tariffs and other trade barriers
- remove elimination of preferences on a reciprocal and mutually advantage basis
What four polices did the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade operate according to?
- Conducting trade in an non-discriminatory manner
- Trading imported goods from its member countries in the same manner as domestic goods
- Protecting domestic industries through tariffs and not through measures such as import quotas and fees
- Requiring any country that applied for membership for a list of tariffs and other trade restrictions imposed on member countries