Unit 3 Theorists Flashcards
Unit 3 Theorists
Greenbaum & Nelson (2002)
Jean Aitchinson (1991)
James Milroy (1992)
David Crystal (2005)
Greenbaum & Nelson 2002
Grammar & punctuation is used to improve text readability
- Grammar = printing > speech
Jean Aitchinson
Neither descriptivist nor prescriptivist
1. Crumbling castle view - Language should be preserved but this has never been a pinnacle
2. Damp spoon syndrome - Language changes because people are lazy
3. Infectious disease assumption - Poor / bad language spreads and we should fight it
- Main reason for language change is for people to fit into social groups
James Milroy 1992
- There was no golden age in English: it is always changing
- Though important in standardisation, Johnson’s 1775 dictionary had its flaws (idiosyncrasies and even jokes from lexicographers hired by Johnson)
David Crystal 2005
- Technology has added a new dimension to language
- Abbreviations and semantic changes don’t indicate damage to language; prove that it’s a ‘living thing’
- English will continue to spread and grow - Chinese is the only threat