Unit 3 - The Existence Of God Flashcards
What is Thomas aquinas’ Cosmological argument
Nothing can happen by itself Everything has to be caused by something else Universe cant just happen by itself A powerful force must’ve done this This cause must’ve been God God Exists
What are counter arguments to the cosmological argument.
Who made god? - if god can have a necessary existence then why cant the universe.
Can the question actually be answered? - the principle of sufficient reason
Does everything need a cause? - If everything has a cause then there is an infinite amount of causes
Is the assumption right? - fallacy of composition
What is the Big Bang theory
The Big Bang theory is the theory that our universe sprang into existence after a singularity about 13.7 billion years ago. The many misconceptions is that there was a massive explosion instead we have rapid expansion
What is the literal Christian view of the Big Bang
What is the liberal Christian view of the Big Bang theory
Both scripture and science can be correct because the Bible does not
have to be literally interpreted.
Stories in the Book of Genesis such as Adam and Eve have meanings
that are true without having to be literally true.
It is perhaps possible to interpret scripture in the light of science.
Eg. The six days of creation are
more like stages in evolutionary
What is the teleological argument
There is evidence of design in the world
Something must have designed it
The only thing great enough to design it is god
Therefore god exists
What is the watchmaker analogy
The analogy of a man stubbing his foot on a rock in a field and thinking about how that rock got there but for all he knows its been there forever.
The man then stubs his foot on a watch however the answer for the watch is not the same as the rock as the watch shows evidence of design and has been put together by someone.
We can apply the same theory to the universe as the universe is so complex it must’ve been put together by something or someone. Thus god exists
Counter arguments to the teleological argument
If the universe was designed it doesn’t neccesarily mean god designed it as it is so flawed and there is suffering and pain every day - David Hume
Either god is not good or he has some limitations ( not omnipotent) - john Stuart mill
What is Darwin’s theory
Natural selection - adapting to your environment, sources of food, genetic mutation eg. Fur for colder climates,
What is “design qua regularity”
The fact that everything in the world has order and can be predictable whereas if evertyhting were to be put up to chance it would be a mess.