Unit 2 - Morality And Relationships Flashcards
What is a moral decision
A moral decision is one where you ask yourself the following questions ; how do i know if I’m doing the right thing?
Am i considering everyone involved or just myself?
What values should i consider?
Name a religious viewpoint
Name a non-religious viewpoint
The book of How to correctly make moral decisions but religion based
The bible
What is utilitarianism
What action is greatest for the greatest number of people
the need of the many outweigh the needs of the few
Whats the catholic purpose of sex
To not only be intimate with a partner and show that you fully love them but to pro create
What is the general purpose of sex
The purpose of sex is to ensure our species reproduces.
What is consent
Consent is not just saying yes but knowing that it can be removed at any given time.
There can not be any threat involved.
It must be mutual in words or actions that you both want to do the same thing.
You must know exactly what you’re giving consent to.
Consent is specific to a given situation.
Scottish legal law on consent (in regards to a sexual encounter a well as any other encounter).
Those under 16 can’t give consent
13-15 is an offence even if both consent
Those 18 and over cant take consent from those younger.
Christian perspective on homosexuals
Christians don’t hate gays they only hate when you give into homosexual urges
How is body image in media a form of exploitation
Many people feel upset when they dont get many likes online and wish to starve themselves and even get eating disorders
forms of Social media exploitation
The recent selfie trend has many becoming self conscious as many digitally enhance themselves thus leading others to believe they aren’t as pretty as others.
The new false sense of anonymity provided from applications like snapchat, give trolls the opportunity to use abusive/hateful comments to others from behind a screen whilst feeling safe.