unit 3 study guide Flashcards
What do we believe about the Church as Catholics?
It is the source of salvation for all people
What is the Orthodox Church?
The eastern church that split with the Roman Catholic Church in 1054
What do we remember through the Eucharist? What is this known as?
Christ Passion, Death, and Resurrection. Known as the Paschal Mystery.
What did the black death do to the church?
It put a strain on the church because many caretakers became ill and died while tending to others
What does it mean when we say the Church is apostolic?
Jesus continue to lead the Church through the pope and the bishops
How does a man become a priest?
By first being ordained as a deacon
What is the process of getting back on the right path called?
What is infallibility?
The term that means the teachings of the Magisterium are without error when it comes of matters of faith and morals
What is the Eucharist a celebration of?
Jesus’ sacrifice for our salvation
What rite does the bishop perform during confirmation and what does he do?
Laying on of Hands in which he prays for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
What happened at the Council of Lateral IV?
Church leaders approved decrees and helped define Church teaching, also called dogma.
What happens during the second part of the Mass?
The Liturgy of the Eucharist, the priest calls upon the Holy Spirit to bless our offerings
What does the Church call us to care for?
People’s emotional and spiritual needs through the Spiritual Works of Mercy.
What happened after the Roman empire was divided into east and west in ad 395?
The eastern center of Christianity became Constantinople.
What three categories are the sacraments divided into?
Sacraments of Initiation, Sacrament of Healing, and Sacraments in Service of Communion.
What is ordination?
It is what gives priests the authority that Jesus gave his disciples to celebrate the Eucharist, and preach the gospel.
What did Jesus do the night before he dies?
Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with his disciples.
What do we do in the month of May?
We pray the rosary in honor of Mary.
What is Lent?
a 40-day period during which we prepare for Easter
What does the term “transubstantiation” used by St. Thomas Aquinas mean?
During the consecration, the bread and wine truly become the body and blood of the risen Christ.
What is the Act of Contrition?
a traditional prayer in which we acknowledge our sin, ask God for forgiveness, and express our desire to sin no more.
What happens on Ash Wednesday?
We receive ashes on our foreheads, as a sign to celebrate the Eucharist.
What are rites?
ritual words and actions that make present the grace of the sacrament being celebrated.