Unit 3 - Step 3 - I speak of a historical story Flashcards
What is it ?

A banner.
What is it ?

A shield.
What is it ?

A sword
What is it ?

An axe.
How many horses where there ?

There were five horses ?
How many banners were there ?

There was only one banner.
How many shields were there ?

There were nine shields.
How many swords were there ?

There was only one sword.
How many soldiers were there ?

There were eleven soldiers.
How many axes were there ?

There was only one axe.
How many dead soldiers were there ?

There were seven dead soldiers.
Combien de soldat y-a-t’il ?

How many soldiers were there ?
What did the Saxons and the Normans have ?

The Saxons and the Normans had lances.
What did the Saxons and the Normans have ?

The Saxons and the Normans had shields.
What did the Saxons and the Normans have ?

The Saxons had axes. The Normans didn’t have axes.
What did the Saxons and the Normans have ?

The Saxons and the Normans had sword.
What did the Saxons and the Normans have ?

The Saxon didn’t have horses. The Normans had horses.
What did the Saxons and the Normans have ?

The Saxon and the Normans had helmets.
What did the Saxons and the Normans have ?

The Saxon and the Normans had metal shirts.
Qu’est-ce que les Saxons et les Normands avaient ?

What did the Saxons and the Normans have ?
Edward était le roi d’Angleterre.

Edward was the king of England.
William n’a pas eu d’enfants.
William didn’t have any children.
Quand William est mort, son beau-frère Harold est devenu le nouveau roi.

When William died, his brother-in-law Harold became the new King.
Harold était un saxon

Harold was a saxon
William, duc de Normandie, un lointain cousin d’Edward, a affirmé aussi le trône d’Angleterre.
William, duke of Normandy, a distant cousin of Edward, claimed also the English throne.
William était un Normand.

William was a Norman.
William a traversé la Manche pour envahir l’Angleterre.

William crossed the Channel to invade England.
La bataille a eu lieu à Hastings.

The battle took place in Hastings.
William après avoir vaincu Harold devint le nouveau roi.
William after defeating Harold became the new king.
Depuis la bataille de Hastings, de nombreux mots anglais viennent du français.
Since the Battle of Hastings, many english words come from French.
Le Normand avait des chevaux et les Saxons avaient des haches.
The Norman had horses and the Saxons had axes.