Unit 3 - Step 1 - Refresh your memory Flashcards
What is it ?
A slice of pizza
What is it ?

A T-shirt
What is it ?

A bottle of French champagne
What is it ?

A pair of jeans
What is it ?

A bottle of perfume
What is it ?

A can of soda
What is it ?

a glass of water
What is it ?

A bottle of water
What is it ?

A cup of coffee
What is it ?

A slice of bread
What is it ?

A glass of milk
What is it ?

A cup of tea
Combien coûte une canette de coca ?

How much is a can of coke ?
Combien coûte une bouteille de parfum ?

How much is a bottle of perfurme ?
How much is it ?
10 $
it’s ten dollars.
How much is it ?
environ 20 euros
That’s about twenty euros.
Oh, c’est pas cher!

Oh, that’s cheap !
Oh, c’est cher!

Oh, that’s expensive !
Combien coute ce T-shirt ?

How much is this T-shirt ?
Combien coute ces crayons ?

How much are these pencils ?
Combien coute ces cartes postales ?

How much are these postcards ?
Combien coute cette petite cuillère ?

How much is this teaspoon ?
Combien coute ce porte-monnaie ?

How much is this purse ?