Unit 3 Section B Flashcards
The Digital revolution
There has been a shift from anologue, mechanical & electronic technology to Digital Technology
The Digital revolution - New Media
Refurd to as New Media
- Online newspapers / radio & TV chanels through satellite cable
- Growth of computors, smart & tablet with a range of programs & apps
E-concult, smart fridge, toothbrush conected to app
Global Village
the world is so interconected by electronic nervous system, infomation can be passed on electronicaly ‘moving at the speed of light’ creating new patterns of communication & interactions.
Internet reduces the entire globe to the dimentsions of a village
live stream
Global Village Quote
“Everybody lives in the utmost proximity created by our electic involvlemtn in one anothers lives”
Cultural Homogenisation
Differnt cultures becoming more similar due to technological advances in comunication.
Characterised with Western Values
Cultural Homogenisation Characteristics
- Capitalist Ideology: privitied system of owership
- Consumerim: (economic / social) system encoring consumption of goods
- Secular ideas: non-religious ideas about society
- Increased individualism: consern about wants & needs of individuals than wider society
Cultural homogenisation
‘Globalisation has a distinctly American face, it wears Micky Mouse ears, it eats Big Macks. It drinks Coke or Pepsi and it does computing on an IBM or aple with Windows 98’
Explainging American domincation of globalisaton
Cultural Homogenisation
Now we have a take over of westurn capitalist liberal democracy which many regimes contradict
World conflicts will continue in the forms of struggles to establish capitalism in areas of the world that they are absent
Cultural Homogenisation
There is a chance to shair best practices between countries
e.g. American Mass production (Ford invesntion used globally)
Cultural Homogenisation
It dosent destroy local culturs but sparks unpredictable responce & is the reason for the rivevel of local identies
Reverse Colonialism: other countries take practices done & use them (Ford)
Latinisation: LA increase in latin culture
Cultural Homoenisation
Fairweather & Rogerson
- Computor software: not localised so reflects weasturn ways of thinking
- Advertising: from the west is globally broadcast & presents ideas on what is desirabel
- Anti-social behvaiour: internet reflectss western ideas about what morality & devence
- Racism
- Sexism
- Forms of harrassment
Virtual communities
Carter: CyberCity
- People invest alot of effort into maintaing relationships
- Found people who meet a person online often continue the relationship in ofline (creating communities online & offline)
- Its becomeing increasinly embede in peoples everyday lives
- People connect over similare intrests
Virtual communities
Boellstorff: Second Life
Identities can be changed: peple can create their own avitare & can be any race / gender & can create their own online personality
Vurtual communities
Second Life Contriversies
-People were comminting crimes (i.e. Rape / Prostituion / Pornography) debate on if its a crime as it was online
Maintaining Boundries: Belgium Police investiated (created profiles & joined communities to see what was going on)
Digital Social Networks
Social Networks always existed (face to face) but growth of digital technology -> led to online, digital, social networks linked to: Friendships / work / family / hobbies / intrests / religeon
This has revolutionised how people form & maintain relationships
Social Media
Any digital based platform with a global reach
Facebook orriginally created by students in Havard Uni - in 6 years = billion users - 2017 $15 billion in profit
Facts about Social Media
- 2009 1st tweet sent from space
- 2022 person got google award for being the first to search ‘is it legal to take pigeon from park for free?’
- 30% of Americans get all of their news from facebook
- 80% of world leaders have a twitter account
Big Data
large sets of data that can be analysed to identify trends & patterns in behaviour & interactions
Big Data - Volume
exessive AMOUNTS of data is stored from online shopping & social media
Big Data - Velocity
digital data is TRANSPORTED at high SPEEDS
Big Data - Variety
RANGE of different TYPES of data
Big Data - Variability
data FLOWS are INCONSISTANT - sudden grows of data based on human behaviour
Big Data - Complexity