Unit 3 Section B Flashcards
Evidence Of Inequality
Mac an Ghaill
Working Class Workplace
Deindustrialisation caused ‘crisis of masculinity’ among working class males leading to unemployment
Working Class Workplace
Working class males see future of manual labour jobs like their fathers - don’t aspire for more
Inequality Briefing 2019
Working Class Workplace
Top 20% have 60% of wealth = extremes between rich & poor
Working Class Education
Education made by Middle Class priotieses Middle Class values. Hidden curriculum devalues knowledge & skills of Working Class. Education = social reproduction. Working Class fail as lack cultural capital needed
Working Class Education
Ladders = Working Class anti-school subculture, assertive femininity (smoking arguing with teachers) negatively labelled by teachers
The Department for Education
Working Class Education
Attainment 8 (average of 8 subjects over grade 5)
Free School Meals = 34.4%
Not Free School Meals = 48.3%
Price 2014
Working Class Media
Poverty Porn
Under Class exploited by the media for shock & entertainment (benefit street) encourages Upper Class & Middle Class to condemn them. Discourse analysis fond produced to create empathy for Under Class - but personal experiences with under class the message is over written
Working class Media
Chavtainment - negative view of Working Class ‘bigoted, slothful & aggressive’ from salt of the earth to scum
Working Class Media
Opium of the people: desctracts WC from societal issues & legitemis exploitation
Walmsley et al
Working Class Crime
41% of prisoners from lowest social class - only 14% of overall population
Working Class Crime
Being poor means people are more likely to be criminal
Working Class Crime
Streat Casino: Working Class youth in London face deprivation -turn to crime for income. Dangerous - gamble with life. Street capital gained through criminal / deviant behaviour
Female Workplace
Horizontal segregation (pay) & Vertical (type)
women face Sexual harassment from co-workers & customers.
At theme parks
ride operators = male
Catering = female
The Financial Times 2018
Female Workplace
Gender pay gap. Women essentially work free from 30th september (same job & level as man)
Biggest gap = financial & insurance sector
Laura Bates - Everyday Sexism Project
Female Workplace
1 in every 4 (women/men) members of parliament. 18/108 high court judges are female
Female Education
Hidden curriculum influences subject choices e.g.
Teacher attitudes
Female Education
Science packaged for boys
Textbooks = football & trucks for forces in physics
Classroom = boys shout out & raise for equipment
Female Education
Influence on subject choice
Perception: tasks (group / independent)
Environment: single / mixed sex schools (single sex = no gendered subject ideas)
Idea of Gender roles - socialisation (gender ideas)
Female Media
Cult of femininity (content analysis of magazines)
Magazines promote beauty marriage & family
Tuchman (1978)
Female Media
Symbolic annihilation
(Limited roles for women)
Media omits, trivialises or condemns groups not socially valued (can be used for other social groups)
Female Media
Male gaze
Women’s sexuality is exploited for the enjoyment of men. E.G. Close up shots focusing on body parts
Female Crime
Girls in gangs
Experience sexual abuse from gang members
Used for hiding/smuggling weapons / drugs - ‘fixers’
Female Crime
Women who commit crimes are considered doubly deviant (against the law - against societal expectations) so punished harsher
Laura Bates - Everyday Sexism Project
Female Crime
2 women a week in UK are killed by a current or ex partner
Male Workplace
Most dangerous job, with lowest pay & security are male dominated
Male Workplace
Men work longer hours regardless of roles e.g. father
Male Workplace
Glass cellar (can see goal but stuck at very bottom)
24/25 lowest ranked jobs 85 to 100 % are male dominated
Male Education
Working Class boys want to follow in father’s footsteps (manual labour jobs) Form an anti-school subculture don’t achieve
Mitsos & Brown
Male Education
Boys ‘will be boys’ anti-school subculture - teachers don’t stop it boys allowed to underachieve
Department for Education -
Male Education
Attainment 8 (average 8 subjects grade 5+)
Girls - 71.9%
Boys - 62.9%
Male Media
Lone parent household Caribbean boys find role model from rappers - get rich quick (crime) - anti school subculture leads to underachievement
Easthorpe 1990
Male Media
Hollywood idea of how to be a man dominates
Boys taught to want this & try to achieve it
REACH Media Monitoring Project
Male Media
links black boys to violent crime (murder / knife crime)
Negative image of black males so negative black role models
Messerschmidt (1993)
Male Crime
Men need a place to do masculinity (deviant behaviour) - calls it accomplished masculinity
Campbell (1993)
Male Crime
Men are stopped from preforming their masculinity (deindustrialisation) so violence & anti-social behaviour to express masculinity
Faludi (1999)
Male Crime
Men are not deviant they are showing masculine traits: toughness, bravery & strength.
Wood et al
Ethnic Workplace
Ethnic minority sounding name submit 16 applications for response
White sounding name only 9 applications for response
Ethnic Workplace
Rates of employment:
White highest employment rate 81%
Bangladeshi & Pakistani lowest employment rate 55%
Ethnic Workplace
Ethnic minorities are negatively privileged social group. Kept out of higher positions through social closer - concrete ceiling (cant see the higher positions)
Ethnic Education
Institutional racism teacher labelling black boys put in lower sets & lower exams narrow future opportunities
Ethnic Education
Caribbean girls negatively labelled by teachers institutional racism so have less chance of success - they don’t resist & still achieve but not as well as they could
Department for Education (2019)
Ethnic Education
Attainment 8 (Average grade 8 subjects great 5+)
Chinese: 64.2%
Indien: 56.3%
White 46.1%
Black 39.6%
Ethnic Media
Myth of asian gangs
Reporting on clashes between black & asian gangs. Asian gangs negatively portrayed = islamophobia
Van Dijk
Ethnic Media
Limited portrayal
1. Criminal
2 Threat
3 Abnormal
4 Unimportant
5 Dependent
Children Now - Fair Play 2001
Ethnic Media
Ethnic stereotypes in games:
86% heroes = white
8/10 sports games = black
Latinos only in sports games
86% victims of violence = black women
Social Trends Survey (2017)
Ethnic Crimes
Black people 7 times more likely to be stopped & searched
Ethnic Crimes
Black men more likely custodial sentences where white men get fines & community service
The Lammy Report
Ethnic Crimes
40%young people in custody = BAME
BAME men & women 25% in prison
Reoffending BAME young people 11% increased 19% 2006 - 2016
BAME prisoners 25% increased 41% 2006 - 2016
Elderly Workplace
Ageism in the workplace
Stereotypes = elderly competency to do job
Harder to get jobs due to stereotypes
the National Pensioners Convention (NPC)
Elderly Workplace
1/5 (2.5. million) live below poverty line - majority are females
Barron & Norris
Elderly Workplace
More likely to be in secondary labour market - less job security, pay 0 hours, less chances to improve
(Can also work for youth)
Elderly Healthcare
NHS guilty of Ageism
More likely to receive end of life care not treatment (treatments denied)
the Royal College of Surgeons & Age UK 2014
Elderly Healthcare
Elderly less likely to have hip / knee operations or bowel breast cancer tests
Human Rights Watch 2019
Elderly Healthcare
Hard to get external care support (even in dire circumstances) people making these assessments don’t understand needs of elderly/disabled person
Services cut regardless of the need for them
Elderly Media
Limited presentation
Feisty old lady
Busy body
Having a second childhood
Carrigan & Szmigin
Elderly Media
Shown less in adverts. Not valued consumers shown as smelly & incontinent
Digital Generation Gap
Elderly Media
Elderly isolated as they haven’t grown up with it - struggle with paperless banking & engaging in popular conversations - lack access to social media
Financial Times 2015
Elderly Crime
Over 60s 4000 in jail (all time high)
Amount of prisoners with diabetes, demeter & hypotension risen
Age UK 2015
Elderly Crime
twice more likely to be victim of fraud (over 55s) compared to youth
Youth Workplace
Likely to be under 0 hours contract
Low stimulating, low pay & security
The Equality Trust
Youth Workplace
Under 25 treated more harshly by benefits system
Don’t get same support as over 25
Renters have less rights than home owners (under 25s likely to be renting)
BBC 3 2020
Youth Workplace
Disadvantaged for decades high renting / housing / accomodation costs
Youth Health
75% Mental health issues arise by 24 years
0.7% funding goes to mental health
The Guardian
Youth Health
More having to look after disabled parents unpaid due to bankrupt councils (anxiety, isolation)
Youth Media
Turned into folk devils (seen as threat to moral society) - media amplification of actions - People scared of them
Mods & Rockers
Youth Media
Shown to be: Deviant dysfunctional suffering a deficit
Women in Journalism
Youth Media
- negative language (e.g. hoodies, yobs, thugs)
- more stories about teen crime than other topic
- Few stories showed young boys in positive light
- 85% boys said newspapers presented negatively but reality TV showed them positively
- Teens wary of each other due to hoodies & yobs stories
Youth Crime
Youth in custody custody
¾ Absent father
½ Run away
Others In care (complex backgrounds)
Youth Crime
Engaging in Street cassino
Dangerous = gamble with life
Deviant / criminal behaviour to get status