Unit 3 - Reference and Sense Flashcards
Where are the relationships according to sense & reference ?
In talking of SENSE, we deal with relationships INSIDE THE LANGUAGE
In talking of REFERENCE, we deal with relationships BETWEEN LANGUAGE AND THE WORLD
What is the goal of a reference?
By means of reference, a speaker indicates which things in the world (including persons) are being talked about
example : “this page”
The page your holding between your fingers, the sheet of paper = part of the world
The actual page , is not part of the English language
English expression “this page” = part of language
==> relationship between the = REFERENCE
So basically which one is about meaning ?
Meaning = about language = SENSE
If I show you a tulip I’m showing according to the refeent = REFERENCE.
Un mot ou une expression est déictique si son interprétation varie en fonction du contexte, comme c’est le cas des pronoms par exemple.
Yours = part of language that points to sth out of language
=> some expression can be used to refer to more than 1 thing
variable reference
Variable reference
→ The same expression can, in some cases, be used to refer to different things.
There are as any potential referents for the phrase “this page” as there are pages in the world
What is the name of the other reference
Constant reference
Constant reference def
There are cases of expressions which in normal everyday conversation never refer to different things i.e in most everyday situations that one can envisage
ex : the moon
What referent in everyday life ?
In everyday discourse, almost all of the fixing of reference comes from the context in which expressions are used. 2 diff expressions can have the same referent.
2 diff expression with the same referent ?
2 diff expressions can have the same referent
→ my uncle
→ my mother’s brother
> the same thing
→ the last president of the US
→ D. Trump
Homonymy & polysemy hwo to differentiate them ?
The same word has power to refer to both element
Or just coincidence of phonetic letters etc no more combination possible
→ because related = key = polysemy
Analogy of form
sole : la forme de la chaussure reminds fish
Sentences, utterances… which one refer ?
Sentences don’t refer only utterances do
The door is closed : sentence, door depends on where you say it.
But if this sentence has no context : which door ? you’ll know it only when used in a real situation : so it’s in an utterance
Sense def
the sense of an expression is its place in a system of semantic relationship with others expressions in the language.
→ sameness of meaning
we can talk of sense not only of words bu also phrases & sentences
In some cases, the same word can have more than one sense
example : In some cases, the same word can have more than one sense
bank : an account
bank : bank of the river
in the example of the bank, “word” is used in the sense of “word-form”
→ treat aanythingspelled with the same sequnce of letters & pronounced with the same sequence of phonemes in a standard dialect as being the same word.
Bank before = 1 word treated with several senses
VS others would consider bank as several different words. like in dictionnaries, thereare several entries