Unit 3 PSA Sources Flashcards
The Tale of Genji (written in Japan)
-written by Japanese woman educated in Chinese
-talking about women and their roles to please men from the perspective of men with correspondence
The Arabian Nights (Persian and Indian Origin)
Two brothers who are kings. His wife betrays him and he promises to marry a woman and kill the woman the next morning because they are not chaste. Shahrazad tells stories and the king comes to trust her again and stays as his queen.
Description of Ahmad Al Tinkukti from Ahmad Baba (Western Africa)
Family relations and accomplishments. Pilgrimage. Visiting noble temple and praising prophet and the door opened by itself so he could worship. Death memorial.
Description of Muhammad Baghayogho from Ahmad Baba (Western Africa)
Patient in teaching and helping his students with books, love of books, shunning immorality, thinking well of mankind. Greatest teacher. Death memorial
History of the Archbishoprics of Hamburg-Bremen
Barbarians overtaking ship and taking captives. One escapes and the barbarians sever the feet and hands and cut off the noses of those captured and cast them upon the land. Pirates called Vikings pay tribute to the king to plunder the barbarians
Runic Memorial Inscriptions, Germany, Norway, and Sweden
stones in honor mainly mentioning travel by ship and the money made through traveling by sea
Greenlanders’ Saga
Started with 35 or 25 ships and lost some. Found the ships again. Found Maarkland, Wood Land. Man in company missing and found vines and grapes. Called the land Vinland, Wineland.
Polynesian Researches
Missionary talking about the Polynesians not being as “civilized”. Wondering about the origin of the inhabitants because it would be hard to derive from Malayan tribes. They were probably from the east (America?)
Hawaiin Antiquities
Voyagers by stars came to Hawaii and brought knowledge regarding Tahiti. Kings travel back and forth between Tahiti and the main Hawaiian shore. Believed that the Hawaiian are thought to be of one race with the people of Tahiti and the islands adjacent to it
Oral Traditions of Rennel and Bellona
Voyage to Rennell and Bellona. Brought their temples and gods. Going on canoes and introducing many gods.
Travels of Rabbi Benjamin of Tudela (Constantinople)
Many merchants trading from all over. All other places in the whole world do not equal to S. Sophia in riches. Public places to celebrate including the birth of Jesus the nazarene. Palace. Tribute. Jews treatment
Conquest of Constantinople from Robert of Clari
Wealth of palace with many chapels. Wealth of Saint Sophia. Games of the Emperor in public place. Recount the hundredth part of richness and beauty and nobility, it would seem a lie
Destruction of Ancient Art in the Latin Sack of Constantinople
Opened graves. Taking all wealth. Even the statue of Hercules
The Byzantine Recovery of Constantinople: Thanksgiving and Celebration
Golden Gate and emperor. Reciting prayers
Chrysobull Detailing Extraordinary Privileges for the Venetians (Constantinople)
Ships and seafaring men. Give gift of gold and freedom of religion and trade and exempt from takes.
Letter of Hernan Cortes to Charles V, King of Spain (Tenochtitlan)
Many squares and merchandise. Wealth in things traded. Many temples with one big one. Wealth of houses. Canoes paddle through all the streets selling the water. Aqueducts.
The Discovery and conquest of Mexico (Tenochtitlan)
Order and control. Market place. cursed temple. Talk about rituals being brutal. built in the water. so well regulated and arranged that they had never beheld before.