Unit 3 - Pre-Action Protocols and Practice Direction Flashcards
What are the objectives of the Pre-Action Conduct and Protocols? (6)
(tip: MACSUD)
Understand each other’s position;
Make decisions about how to proceed;
Try to settle issues without proceedings;
Consider of form of ADR to assist with settlement;
Support the efficient management of proceedings;
Reduce the costs of resolving the dispute;
Can the Pre-action Protocols be used as a tactical device to secure an advantage over another party?
No; paragraph 3 explicitly opposes this.
What should parties do when no relevant pre-action protocol applies?
The parties should exchange correspondence and information to comply with the objectives in paragraph 3, in a proportionate manner.
The necessary steps usually include:
(A) C writing to D with concise claim details, such as the basis of claim, facts, what is claimed and money calculatons.
(b) D responding in a reasonable time (14 days for simple, 3 months for complex cases), confirming or explaining why the claim is rejected. Details of any counterclaims and defences.
(c) Parties diclosing key documents which are relevant
Can parties share a single expert, jointly instructed by the parties?
Yes, this is actually advised.
Is litigation the first resort?
It is the last resort. ADR and negotiation should be considered in lieu of commencing proceedings.
Do parties have to consider reaching settlement after proceedings have been started?
Yes, see para 9.
Name 4 different kinds of ADR.
Early neutral evaluation
Ombudsmen schemes
Must the court request evidence of ADR being considered in all cases?
No. The court MAY require it. There must be clear and obvious reasons why ADR was not attempted in such situations.
Is a party’s silence in response to an ADR invitation unreasonable?
Usually yes.
TRUE or FALSE. Non-compliance is to be considered both when a court gives management directions and when making orders for costs.
Do minor/technical infringements of pre-action protocols constitute breach?
The court may decide that there has been a failure of compliance when a party has: (3)
(tip: ITR)
(a) not provided sufficient information to enable the objectives in paragraph 3 to be met;
(b) not acted within a time limit set out in a relevant protocol, or within a reasonable period;
(c) unreasonably refused to use a form of ADR or failed to respond to an invitation to do so.
What can a court do if it finds non-compliance?
tip: not just sanctions!
(tip: RESS)
(a) RELIEVE parties of obligations to comply further
(b) order a STAY of proceedngs until compliance is adhered to;
(c) apply SANCTIONS
(d) give defendant an EXTENSION of time where a claimant issues prematurely
What are the available sanctions which a court may order for non-compliance?
Order to pay costs of proceedings/other party’s/on indemnity basis
Deprive interest for a defaulting successful claimant;
Increase interest for successful claimant against a defaulting party
What should parties do if they commence proceedings prior to pre-action protocols, in order to beat a relevant statutory limitation period?
Apply to the court for a stay of proceedngs while they so comply.
What can a court do where a defendant fails to reply adequately in time to a letter of claim, but has a good defence, and as a result the claimant chooses to discontinue proceedings upon service of defence?
The court can order D to pay some or all of C’s costs.
Can the Personal Injury Protocol only be used for personal injury claims?
No, it can be used for matters that have a PI element alongside something else.