Unit 3 Post War America Flashcards
Interpretation Q1 P1:
Interpretation B Gives credit to a wider range of people in the civil rights movement specifically Rosa park
Interpretation Q1 P2:
Whereas interpretation a given impression the king had the most significant impact in the advancement of civil rights
Explain Q5 P1:
Betty Friedan published a book called the feminine mystique mate which made middle-class woman feel as if they lived in concentration camps
Explain Q5 P2:
Equal pay act of 1963 women would be paid the same amount as a man for doing the same job some of those laws were abolished in 1972
roe versus wade saw that the Supreme Court made abortion legal and a basic right for women in 1973
Explain Q3 P3:
Women’s lib argued against sexism and argued that magazines exploited woman. they held protests arguing against beauty pageants and beauty shows these protests waste raised awareness and made women have the same opportunities men in the workplace. These protests died down in the early 70s. Organisations such a NOW held conferences to decide how to promote gender awareness.
Describe Q4 P1:
- Kennedy wanted a fairer society.
He was aware of social injustice of segregation against African Americans
1963, proposed a Civil Rights bill that would ensure equality for all Americans. Died
before it could be made law.
Describe Q4 P2:
- Johnson risked losing votes and influence with Senators in his native south by
passing Civil Rights legislation.
It was difficult for him to overcome opposition in Congress to the Civil Rights bill.