Unit 3 P&T's Pt.1 Flashcards
More than one belief system in a society
When a church official doesn’t fulfill their duties
the buying/selling of a church office or spiritual treasures
Pope Alexander VI
Great example of corruption
Johann Eck
German theologian and defender of Catholicism during the Reformation
Bretheren of the Common Life
Religious community that devoted their lives to service
ecumenical council
a group of theological experts brought together to discuss and settle manners of the church’s teachings
Martin Luther
German Catholic monk/professor who initiated the Reformation. Wrote the 95 theses
95 theses
Martin Luther’s post that questioned the church on indulgences
A document that claimed that it would lessen the amount of time in purgatory and a person (dead or alive) would go straight to heaven.
John Tetzel
Christian Dominican that sold indulgences in forceful and persuading ways
Pope Leo X
Used papal money to help the Medici family. Excommunicated Luther 1521
Charles V
Summoned Luther to the Diet of Worms
Diet of Worms
1521, Luther sent here and was called for recant but denied it and was banned from HRE
Ulrich Zwingli
Leader of Swiss reformation. Established a theocracy that the bible should be the sole authority for religion
“sola scriptura”
Church teaching that says that the bible has all you need to know about salvation and holiness
doctrine: bread and wine used in the sacrament is literally His body and blood
doctrine: the substance if the body and blood are present alongside that bread and wine
Lord’s Supper
Final mean Jesus shared with his apostles before crucifixion
Period of artistic style in Rome (1600)
Exaggerated motion and detail
Habsburg Dynasty
The head of the House of Hapsburg usually chosen to be the Holy Roman Emperor
German Peasants Revolt
1524-25, understanding of scriptures lead to their new ideas of justice that led to war. 1/3 of peasants killed