Unit 3: Outcome 1. Flashcards
What is a religious belief.
Religious beliefs are the central beliefs of a religious group that are the important understandings upon which the religion is based and the key themes that are emphasised.
What are sacred texts?
The holy writings of the religion. While the majority of world religions have holy books, indigenous religions which pass on their traditional knowledge and wisdom orally, regard carvings and other works of art as sacred texts.
What are sacred stories?
A religions sacred stories are told and retold by its members because they explain important parts of the religions identity and give meaning to people’s lives.
What are symbols?
A religions sacred symbols are the objects, places, and sometimes people that have a special meaning and are considered holy by the religion’s members.
What are scared rituals?
Scared rituals are the various religions rites, ceremonies, prayers and practices through which a religion’s members worship and celebrate.
What are Ethical teachings - codes of behaviour?
A religions moral and ethical teachings guide people to act correctly and lead lives that are morally and ethically good.
What is social structure?
A religion’s social structure or organisation determines the roles that various individuals and groups of believers have within it and the ways they relate to each other.
What is religious experience?
A person’s religious experience includes those attitudes, emotions, commitments and responses that shape their life as a believer.
What is an immanent God? (Nature of God)
An immanent God is one that is among us. As Christians we see an immanent God when we perform good deeds in the nature of God. An immanent God is not up in the sky and in heaven, but is involved in and apart of the world and can act upon human history.
Leviticus 26:11-12
11’Moreover, I will make My dwelling among you, and My soul will not reject you. 12’I will also walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people.
What is an transcendent God? (Nature of God)
A transcendent God is beyond and outside this world, this is the God that “overlooks the world and protects”. This God is not limited in what he can do, in some religions God is immanent and transcendent in that he can involve himself in the material world but isn’t limited by the boundaries of the world. For example Christians believe in the trinity, the father is transcendent, the son through incarnation is immanent and the holy spirit unites the two ideas together.
Psalm 138:7
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me.
What is a personal God? ( nature of God )
A personal God has human qualities and is a conscious being. Through incarnation God became both fully human and fully divine, Jesus described God as Father and as Abba, a father who we can relate to and be in relationship with.
What is an impersonal God. (Nature of God)
An impersonal God has no human characteristics. An impersonal God is an absolute being that is indivisible and can only be understood in terms of himself.
Job 11:7
Can you discover the depths of God? Can you discover the limits of the Almighty?
What are the religious aspects?
With beliefs at the core we then have sacred texts, shared stories, symbols, sacred rituals, ethical teachings-codes of behaviour, social structure and religious experience.
God the father quotes
“Abba” Mk 5:45
“Your father who lives in heaven” Mt 5:45
Jesus/son quotes
When asked to show the apostles the father, Jesus replies “anyone who has seen me has seen the father, so how can you say show us the father? Do you not believe that i am in the father and that the father is in me?” Jn 4:10