Unit 3- Lucas Case Study Flashcards
Lucas research question
What factors have contributed to the changing land use in Lucas in Ballarat, and how has this change positively and negatively impacted the economic, environmental and socio-cultural conditions of the selected area and the surrounding region?
Lucas location
7 km West of Ballarat’s CBD
125km North-west of Melbourne’s CBD
Wedged between Rememberance Drive, Dysons Drive, Cuthberts Road and the Ballarat Skipton Rail Trail
Why is Lucas a suitable case study option?
In close proximity to VCE Geography students at BCC
Prime example of cultivated and managed farmland being converted into housing (urban development)
Why was Lucas chosen for urban development?
Population growth
Flat topography (falls 23m North to South and 10 meters east to west)> reduces earthworks and construction costs
Minimal existing vegetation- minimal environmental protection constraints
Close to the Ballarat CBD (7km) and BWEZ
How is population growth leading to land use change in Lucas?
Ballarat pop expected to reach 142624 people by 2036> Ballarat requires a 15 year supply of housing
1/5 Australian pop considering moving to regional AUstralia
More people means more housing and infrastructure is required.
Positive economic impacts of Lucas development
-First 3 stages contributing up to $50 million AUD in revenue
- Integra aims to sell 18000 homes over 30 years
- 9000 new jobs particularly in air, rail and road
- 76% of lots having sold
- Lucas Shopping Precinct= 30 businesses with anchor stores e.g. Woolworths, McDonalds
Negative economic impacts of Lucas development
- Rent is too expesnive in Coltman Plaza- closures of businesses e.g. Wilsons, Orchard Cafe
Positive social impacts of Lucas development
- Facilities e.g. Coltman Shopping plaza, dentist, doctor, pharmacy, 2 schools= increase ease and convenience
- Integra aim for residents to be able to complete 90% of daily activities in Lucas
- Every house is said to be within 500m of a park.
Negative social impacts of Lucas development
- Traffic= only 2 routes into Ballarat + no. of one way roads cause congestion
- public transport- up to an hour to get into the CBD
- dust and rubbish from nearby construction
- high noise levels from earthworks and construction
- lack of bars, cafes and restaurants limits community feel
Positive env impacts of Lucas development
- 7 parks, 12% open space
- Maintenance of natural water corridor- using no. water detention basins/ lakes- planted with native plants and using rocks from earthworks= suppors wildlife e.g. ducks
Negative env impacts of Lucas development
- Lack of trees in Coltman Plaza
- Dust and rubbish from nearby construction e.g. Styrofoam palettes
- more concrete surfaces- disruption to the natural hydrological cycle
- loss of fertile farmland and soil
Use of GIS in Lucas development
Spatial tech= Any tech that uses space, place or location to determine a point on the Earth’s surface
- 3 types= remote sensing, GNSS, GIS
- GIS layered maps= number of data sets- e.g. bushfire risk, drainage lines, preexistent vegetation/ sourced from state and local govts.
- Satellite imagery (remote sensing)- show form above to determine distribution of land uses e.g. poor drainage areas used as ornamental lakes/ stormwater detention basins
- Parks within 500m of every house- distance determined using GNSS tech
Examples of interconnections between Lucas and the region
- Natural water corridor connects Lucas with the region
- Migration of people from Melbourne to Lucas
- Many people commute from Lucas to Ballarat CBD or Melbourne
- Many people from Ballarat and surrounding region use Coltman Plaza for goods and services
- Use of Ballarat Skipton Rail Trail- connects Ballarat with the region (goldfields region)
-Creation of West Link Road on Dyson Drive will connect Ballarat with Adelaide, Geelong and Melbourne
Human characteristics of Lucas
- Previously used as grazing agricultural land
- Owned by 2 landholders- namely the Skewes family who were willing to sell land
- Small number of European buildings
- Previously contained an abattoir.