Unit 3: IRB Basics Flashcards
Purpose of IRB
- Safety
- Confidentiality
- Risks are commensurate with potential benefits
IRB Basics
Each Institution has its own IRB Comprised of 5 members with varied backgrounds in research expertise(1 member must have a nonscientific background, 1 member must not be affiliated with the institution)
Level 1: Exempt (from review) (IRB Levels of Review)
- Research involving typical educational practices
- Survey/interview procedures not involving sensitive areas of behavior
- Observations of public behavior
- Data does not contain Protected Health Information
Level 2: Expedited (IRB Levels of Review)
- Projects with minimal risk that record minimal to noninvasive data
- Example: effects of moderate exercise in healthy persons
Level 3: Full Review (IRB Levels of Review)
- Projects with moderate to high risks
- Lower-risk procedures in children or other vulnerable populations unable to provide consent
Researcher Information
Parts of the IRB Application
- Names
- Addresses
- Qualifications
Proposed Research Description(Parts of the IRB Application)
- Project Title
- Description (Rationale, background literature review, hypothesis, research design, etc.)
- Step-by-Step Description (frequency, duration & location of each procedure)
Type of Review (Parts of the IRB Application)
Checklist to determine what level of review is needed
Participants (Parts of the IRB Application)
- Description
- Vulnerable Populations
- Selection of Participants (Inclusion/exclusion criteria, recruitment, type of data collecting, etc.)
Consent (Parts of the IRB Application)
Process and document
Benefits/Risks (Parts of the IRB Application)
Description and explanation of reasonable expectations of the study
Parts of the IRB Application
- Researcher Information
- Proposed Research Description
- Type of Review
- Participants
- Consent
- Protected Health Information Checklist
- Benefits/Risks
- Training Certificate and Signatures
Consent Documents (IRB Supporting Documents)
- Consent Document(s)
- Assent Document(s)
- PHI documents (if applicable)
- Debriefing Statements (if applicable)
Recruiting Documents (IRB Supporting Documents)
- Advertisements,
- Poster,
- Flyers,
- Scripts,
- Emails,
- Social Media Posts,
- Letters, etc.
Study Instruments (IRB Supporting Documents)
- Survey,
- Questionnaires,
- Interview Guides,
- Tests,
- Photographs, etc.
Letters (if applicable) (IRB Supporting Documents)
- Permission Letters,
- MOU’s,
- Letters Of Support, or
- Other Assurances Of Collaboration
Grants (if applicable) (IRB Supporting Documents)
Grant Proposal
CITI – Training (IRB Supporting Documents)
- Evidence of human subjects protection training
- Required for all principal investigators