emerging field of medical informatics
Organization and delivery of health services and information
using the Web and related technologies.
The term characterizes not only technical development but
also a new way of working, an attitude, and a commitment
for networked, global thinking to improve healthcare locally,
regionally, and worldwide by using information and
communication technology.
Represents optimism, allowing patients and professionals to
do what was previously impossible.
is the use of information exchanged from one site to another via electronic communications to improve
patient’s health status.
which often used to encompass a
broader definition of remote healthcare that does not always
involve clinical services”
____uses the
terms telemedicine and telehealth interchangeably.
American Telemedicine Association (ATA)
can be considered a delivery mechanism for
Refers to the use of a wireless communication device that
supports public health and clinical practices
is viewed as the new generation of telemedicine
that is laying the foundation for a new generation of healthcare (Waegemann, 2010).
A valuable tool as the digitalization of health and wellness
data increases.
Transforming the practice of healthcare
Wearable and portable monitoring systems
Telenursing and decision support tools
Possibility of virtual worlds
Health portals and web 2.0
mHealth applications
Ethical Issues
Data security
System security
contains all relevant information about a
patient’s diagnosis, the goals of treatment, the specific nursing
orders (including what observations are needed and what
actions must be performed), and a plan for evaluation. Over the
course of the patient’s stay, the plan is updated with any
changes and new information as it presents itself.
nursing care plan
are products of nursing informatics systems capable of
comparing actual assessment findings of a patient entered to thesystem versus a preset database or programs that has built in
Computer Generated NCPs
Advantages of Computer Generated NCPs
Can import certain patient data (i.e. recorded vital signs) as
part of nursing assessment from other areas of the system
Uniformity of nursing diagnoses throughout a healthcare
Provides a ready selection of nursing interventions based
on diagnoses
Accessibility of the NCP for evaluation.
Time Saver
Space Saver
Disadvantages of Computer Generated NCPs
Nursing Diagnoses may be limited to the current database
version of a specific EHR system
May be difficult for less tech savvy nurses
Computerized NCPs are only as good as the actual patient
assessment of the nurse utilizing the system.
Risk of total data loss if system crashes.
- cardiac related conditions and management
American Heart Association (AHA)
for communicable diseases
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM)
the global health authority
World Health Organization (WHO)
enumerate the principles of a good CPG
- clarity
- compatibility
- clear rationales
- sensitivity to practical issues
All terms are clearly defined - what principle is this
All components must be accepted by various
concerned disciplines.- WHAT PRINCIPLE?
- A CPG states that a nurse, in the absence of
a physician for more than 3 minutes, may by himself
administer 1 ampule of epinephrine on a crashing
- NOT IT IS NOT AN EXAMPLE OF COMPATIBILITY- this is unacceptable in nursing practice
also provides rationales for every
recommendation it has
(which principle)
clear rationale
Not simply because a resource is available, a CPG
should outright recommend it.
-Culture, Economy and other logistics should be
(which principle?)
how can you say it is a good CPG which shows a sensitivity to practical issues
- not recommending certain products where said products may be too expensive for the population/locally
give a few benefits of CPG
Helps improve health outcomes
Can potentially reduce mortality and morbidity for certain
Improve consistency of care
May improve frequency of performance of procedures for
patient management and care
Promotes standardization of care
May help reduce healthcare costs
Set of structured, multidisciplinary plans of care devised to
augment or support the implementation of a clinical
guideline or protocol
Critical or Clinical Pathways
when and where was clinical pathways introduced?
- 1980 in the US and UK
A pathway should clearly define the coverage as well
as other time elements to be considered in any of the
steps or procedures it has.
- timeline
Pathways group sets of care together according to
distinct categories which may include, but not limited
to the following:
categories of care:
- Assessment
- Diagnosis
- Diet Therapy
- Nursing Care
- Medical Regimen and etc.
what are the 4 components of a clinical pathway
-categories of care
-intermediate and long term outcome criteria
- variance period
Pathways provide clear expected health outcomes
through a list to aid the healthcare provider in
evaluating care and patient response
Intermediate and long term outcome criteria
a quality that is divergent or inconsistent with the
expected outcome
are periodical
publications in digital format and can be found in the
E-Journals or electronic journals
Benefits of E-Journals
Search toolbars
Filter options
Data is portable
Some e-journals have embedded links to related concepts
for supplemental reading
E-journals can be interactive. Some have the option to
email the author to initiate discourse or consultations
Most printed journals have an electronic version
Limitations of E-Journals
Not all journals are free to access
Requires connectivity
May lead to bulk downloading of journals during research
without initial filtering or scrutiny
Like with printed journals, requires critiquing of searched
Limited local (Philippine) nursing journals