Unit 3: Food Security Flashcards
Food Security
o Access by all people at all times to nutritionally adequate, safe, personally acceptable foods from normal food channels
normal food Chanels
can go get food from grocery store or restaurant not from a soup kitchen or food bank
Food Insecurity
Unncertain or limited access to food of sufficient qulity to quantity
- may have enough calories but not enough nutrients
- caused by anything that limits resources available for getting food (poverty, wars)
Food poverty
when there is enough food in area but people cannot get access to it due to war, politics, transportation, money
sensation caused by insufficient food energy consumptions
-all hungry people are food insecure but not all food insecure people are hungry
extreme widespread food scarcity causes starvation in the area
4 pillars of food security
-access to sufficient amount of food at all times can be affected by the season, war, and supply
-people are physically able to get food and have money to get it
- access to food that provides adequate nourishment and is safe
- socially acceptable
- ex can’t find ethic food at store
5th pillar of food security
- the policies and the process that make food security achievable
2 types of food insecurity
- long term unable to meet food requirements from extended periods of poverty
- can fix through education and direct access to food
- temporary drop in ability to produce or access food from short-term flucuations in prices and house-hold income
- can fix through interventions and warning capacities
Chronic hunger stats
- poverty is #1 cause
- women and children most affected
- covid could add 100 million people
- goes up by 10 M a year and 60 M in 5 years
- highest in Asia and rising in Africa
- 13% of world population is obese
reasons for hunger in developing world (5)
- The local quality and quantity of healthy foods available
. Ec: drought prevents food production in area and if they do not have access to foods - Discrimination factors that affect distribution
a. Ex: war, racial, religion, gov corruption, unemployment and lack of borrowing power - Individual household’s access to available food
a. Ex: transportation to get food and the roads needed to get to food - Access to clean water in sufficient quantity and health services
- Individual childcare practices and knowledge
a. Ex: child fed while others go hungry
b. Ex” do not know how to use formula use too much water or using unclean water to mix formula - Inadequate food or nutrient intakes (causes malnutrition, weakness and disease
. Family may be to weak to compete for food
reasons a person cannot get food if it exists in area
- lack of monet
- political reasons
- 80% of hungry children live in countries with a surplus of food but gov wants to sell - war
- transportation
- cannot afford
- on welfare but still cannot afford
solutions for food waste in order of most preferred
- reduce
- reduce amount grown - recover
- donate surplus - recycle
- use surplus to make products like makeup - dispose
- if no other option
how to reduce waste in household
- plan ahead
- keep it fresh
- use foods up
4 most common methods of food recovery
- Field greening
a. Collecting crops from firld that have already been harvests or are not profitable and donate - Perishable food rescue or salvage
a. Collecting vegetables, fruits, dairy, bread from wholsellers and markets - Prepared food rescue
a. Collecting prepared food from commercial kitchens - Non-perishable food collection
a. Colleting processed food from wholeseller and markets
types of food recovery and access programs
• Food banks
o Give groceries and food and the use is increases
o Winnipeg harvest is the largest
• Community kitchen
o Go to site kitchens where people come together and are taught how to prepare meals and can take them home to their families
• Community Gardens
seeds donated. Participants take care of garden and harvest
• School feeding programs
o Provides breakfast and/or lunch to children at school
• Food Share Program
o Members and or community share food they grow or havest with eachother (each have their own garden and share if they have extra)
• Other Programs
o Community green house project, community food producer coop, bee keeping projects, traditional food