Unit 3: Evolution of Liberalism Flashcards
Industrial Capitalism
an economic system that relies on investment in machines and tech that are use to increase production of marketable goods
- inequality
- limited rights for workers
- child labour
Problems created by classical liberalism/industrial revolution (6x)
poor working conditions child labour inequality poor living conditions poverty environmental damage
Classical Conservatism
belief that the past should be respected, society should be a hierarchy, gov should be selected from a limited electorate and the stability of society is the key goal
Karl Marx
believed that social injustices/inequalities from the industrial revolution couldn’t be fixed by capitalist democracy. As long as one class of ppl. owned land, factories, and mines, they would always exploit those who worked for a living
The Luddites
industrial revolution put textile workers out of jobs, they formed an army focused on destroying the textile machines until a law passed making machine breaking a capital offence
believed that individual rights and freedoms didn’t benefit enough people and gov failed to deal with the negative impacts of the industrial revolution, their main goal was universal suffrage for men over 21
Utopian Socialism
believed in child education not labour and better working conditions, their main belief was that private ownership of production permits exploitation the state should direct the economy to achieve economic equality for all and society should be classless
believed revolution is needed to overthrow liberal society abolish private property and the government should have total control over the economy
Welfare Capitalism
classical liberal economic system and legislation that protects workers needs/righta
Business Cycle
- Recession
- Boom
- Bust
- Recovery
Effective Demand
supply and demand only works when consumers have purchasing power
Keynesian Economic Theory
when times are good people spend freely causing inflation and oversupply of goods no one wants to buy
When times are bad no one wants to spend/invest creating a downward spiral
Civil Liberties
means by which modern liberals seek to maintain dignity and fair treatment for all
Positive freedoms
thought of as the freedom too… instead of the freedom from…
Labour Standards
government enforced rules/standards aimed at safe and clean working environments, protection of workers rights to association, collective bargaining, and freedom of discrimination
Mixed Economy
economic system based on free market principles but with some gov-intervention usually to regulate industry, moderate boom/bust of business cycle, and ofer social welfare programs
Welfare State
a country that is capitalist but intervenes in market stability and basic standards of living
Fiscal Policy
the use of government expenditure and taxation to influence the economy
persistent increase in the level of consumer prices along with a persistent decline in the purchasing power of money
Demand Side Economics
government involvement in the economy to increase demand for goods and services through government fiscal and monetary policies. Demand-side economics are associated with Keynesian economics.
Supply Side Economics
policies intended to increase economic productivity by
as little government intervention in the economy as possible through reduction of gov deficit, spending, and business taxes
more liabilities or debts than income or assets in a given period
Democratic Socialism
ideology where society moves towards greater collectivism through citizens voting for policies in which society as a whole benefits from economic activity.
Monetary Policy
a set of government economic actions concerned with controlling the supply of money and credit usually through interest rates