Unit 3 - Digestive System, intestines Flashcards
The small intestines is a long convoluted tube measuring between __ - __ metres in length in a living adult?
3 - 4 metres. approx 6 -7 in a cadaver due to loss of muscle tone.
The name “small” relates to the width which is?
2.5 - 4cms.
Most food digestion & absorption of nutrients & waters occur where?
The small intestine.
What is the name of the first part of the small intestine?
The duodenum. extends approx 12 finger widths or 25 cms.
What is the name of the 2nd part or middle part of the small intestine?
Jejunum - (latin for empty) approx 1.5 - metres long & coiled.
What is the name of the 3rd part or terminal or distal part of the small intestine?
ileum - (latin twisted) - approx 3.5 metres long.
How wide & longer is the large intestine (large bowel)?
width is approx 6.5cm & length approx 1.5 m. It is wider & shorter than the small intestine.
The large intestine extends from the …… (2 words) to the ……..?
ileocaecal value to the anus. Its major function is to absorb most of the remaining water from the indigestible residue.
Which vitamin is essential for blood coagulation?
Vitamin K.
Large intestine - What is the circular muscle between then ileum & the caecum called?
ileocaecal value.
Waste from the ileum passes through the ileocaecal value into the ……. which in turn passes into the colon.
caecum. is approx 6 cm long & 7.5 cm wide. the caecum is continuous with the colon. (no valves or sphincters)
What worm like structure is attached to the caecum?
Appendix. approx 7-10 cms. Contains lymphoid tissue & helps the immune syst boost the large intest. immunity to certain foods & drugs.
Absorption of waters & vitamins, and compaction of faeces is done where?
In the colon.
First part of the colon is the?
Ascending colon.
Ascending colon goes from the …… to the ….. flexure?
caecum to the hepatic flexure where it bends at a right angle.
Transverse colon goes from the …… across to the ……. flexure near the spleen?
hepatic flexure across to the splenic flexure.
Descending colon goes from the ……. flexure where the colon bends at a right angle down to the ……… colon.
from the splenic flexure down to the sigmoid colon.
What is the narrowest part of the colon?
Sigmoid colon - 2.5 cm in diameter.
What is the temporary holding space for faeces called?
Rectum. its is 10cm long in an adult & extends from the rectosigmoid junction to the anal canal.
What is the terminal part of the large intestine (2nd last part)?
Anal canal - extending from the anorectal junction to the anus. approx 2.5 - 4cm in adults.
Name of the opening of the alimentary tract to the exterior thru which faeces is expelled?