Unit 3 concepts (Interventions with Clients) Flashcards
Steps of Intervention
engagement assessment planning intervention evaluation termination
stages of change
precontemplation contemplation preparation action maintenance relapse
Problem-Solving Model?
normal intervention steps
goal: enhance client mental, emotional and action capacities for coping with problems and making accessible opportunities and resources to generate solutions to problems
Motivational Approach
help client understand that everything is not “okay” right now and assist them to think about good/functional time in their life and set goals toward that
SW must create atmosphere for clients intrinsic motivation
Role Playing
learning from observing and imitating, client can learn new skill
- clients are not passive recipients in learning process
live modeling (watching someone model behavior), symbolic modeling (watching behavior recorded), participant modeling (someone models behavior in front of client), and covert modeling (client to use imagination to think about what it would be like to model behavior)
Anger Management techniques
- relaxation exercises - deep breathing, yoga, meditation
- cognitive techniques - replacing destructive thoughts
- Communication skills - slowing speech, listening and practicing thinking before saying or reacting
- environmental change - walking away, avoiding situations or people
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
goal: change patterns of thinking/ behavior that are responsible for client’s difficulties
works by changing attitudes (cognitions) to change behavior to change how they deal with emotional problems
Group therapy
group is agent of change!
if problems arise, client asks group
(people that should not use group - suicidal, paranoid, psychotic, in crisis)
Strategic Family Therapy
- active, brief, and task-centered
- more interested in changing behavior than change in understanding
- focus on problem resolution by altering feedback cycle or loop that maintains symptomatic behavior
Structural Family Therapy
- engages family members in order to restructure family organization
- restructures based on observing and manipulating interactions in family sessions
Readiness for Termination
sessions are uneventful, tone if cordiality rather than a challenge
Termination steps
- evaluate degree client’s goals have been attained
- acknowledge and address issues related to ending of relationship
- plan for steps client will take after without SW
(if client is likely to relapse, you an also plan follow up assessments)
Formative Evaluations (Evaluate SW practice)
ongoing process that allows for feedback during service delivery (i.e. needs assessments)
Summative Evaluations (evaluate SW practice)
at the end of services (i.e. impact evaluations and seeing what people liked overall)
cost-benefit analysis (program evaluation)
evaluating the financial costs of operating a program compared to fiscal benefits of outcome
cost effectiveness (program evaluation)
similar to cost-benefit, but considers benefits that are not measured by money (illness prevented, lives saved, etc.)
outcome assessment (program evaluation)
determining if program has achieved desired goals; changes made to then meet those goals