Terms from practice test Flashcards
formative evaluation
done throughout services, like a needs assessment
summative evaluation
at the end of services, see what people liked
social stratification
structured inequality of entire subcategories of people who have unequal access to social rewards
i.e. children from affluent households getting better education than children from low income areas
self modeling
clients are videotaped demonstrating the desired behavior and then the tape is watched to discuss
live modeling
watching a real person performing the desired behavior
symbolic modeling
watching others who have been videotaped perform the desired behavior
role discomplementarity
results when roles conflict or when the role expectations of others differ from one’s own
(in ex: husband and wife do not have the same expectations for which tasks each other should be responsible)
DSM-5 “Not Otherwise Specified”
(NOS) categories for disorders that do not fit under specific disorder categories are replaced
DSM-5 “Other Specified”
i. e. “Other specified Depressive Disorder”
- categories are used when a SW provides the reason why the condition does not qualify for a specific diagnosis (ex: short duration – too short to meet diagnosis yet)
DSM-5 “Other Specified”
i. e. “Other specified Depressive Disorder”
- categories are used when a SW provides the reason why the condition does not qualify for a specific diagnosis (ex: short duration – too short to meet diagnosis yet)
DSM-5 “Unspecified”
used when no additional explanation is provided as to why the disorder does not meet the usual criteria
High risk for relapse after Termination
- should receive regular assessments to see if additional services are needed
- follow up to see if discharge plans are being implemented
- need natural supports and peer supports (12 step programs)
(any contract with a client would be considered an active treatment plan and therefore would not be part of termination)
Confidentiality/Privacy with intake ppw
SW should respect client’s right to privacy and should not solicit private information from clients unless it is essential to providing services or conducting SW evaluation
inability to recognize familiar objects
lack of muscle control during voluntary movements, like walking or picking up objects (& can also affect movement, speech, eye movement, and swallowing)
- persistent ataxia is usually from damage to the cerebellum (part that controls muscle coordination)
often from Alcohol abuse, stroke, tumor, CP, and MS
inability to recognize familiar faces
inability to do simple arithmetic
mimicking another’s speech, repeating noises and phrases
- can sometimes be associated with Catatonia, ASD, Schizophrenia
abnormality of movement and behavior arising from a disturbed mental state (typically schizophrenia). It may involve repetitive or purposeless overactivity, or catalepsy, resistance to passive movement, and negativism.
Client having issues with payment
If continued treatment is needed:
- SW can waive or reduce the fee of services for a period of time, but CANNOT barter or create a loan system witht the client
Paraphilic disorders
- atypical sexual interests
- clients with these interests feel personal distress about their interests
- have a sexual desire or behavior that involves another person’s psychological distress, injury, or death
- desire for sexual behaviors involving unwilling persons or persons unable to give legal consent
(these do not have to have resulted in legal involvement to be diagnosed)
limitations of using existing case records as the data source for the evaluation of client progress
scope of the evaluation is limited to what is explicitly stated in the file
limitations of using existing case records as the data source for the evaluation of client progress
scope of the evaluation is limited to what is explicitly stated in the file, which is a limitation because there may be gaps in the record or the information that is explicitly stated may not reflect all the progress that has been made
(consent is only required for records that are being used in formal evaluations beyond determining individual client progress)
benefits of using existing case records as the data source for the evaluation of client progress
saves time and money because the records are already there
(consent is only required for records that are being used in formal evaluations beyond determining individual client progress)
benefits of using existing case records as the data source for the evaluation of client progress
saves time and money because the records are already there
(consent is only required for records that are being used in formal evaluations beyond determining individual client progress)
Freud’s psychosexual stages
oral (sucking, biting) anal (bowel movements) phallic (oedipus complex) latency (sexuality is dormant) genitals (sexual urges return)
Freud’s psychosexual stages
oral (sucking, biting) anal (bowel movements) phallic (oedipus complex) latency (sexuality is dormant) genitals (sexual urges return)
Scientific Management
finds the one “best way” to perform each task; carefully matches each worker to each task ; closely supervises workers, using reward and punishment as motivators, and manages and controls behaviors
systems approach management
considers the organization as a system composed of interrelated subsystems
contingency approach management
recognizes that organizational systems are interrelated with environment and different organizational relationships are needed depending on larger environmental context
human relations approach to management
emphasizes creativity, cohesive work groups, participatory leadership, and open communication
projective tests
client offers responses to ambiguous scenes, words, or images
- emerged from psychoanalytic approach, which suggested that clients have unconscious thoughts or urges
Spiritual development stages
- begin unwilling to accept will greater than their own and are very egotistical
- move to conforming and having “blind faith”
- second stage –> things are seen as dichotomously right or wrong
- they then come to develop a deeper understanding of good and evil and move to integrated being
systems approach
all parts of well-being are interrelated or interconnected
(change in physical health will impact psychological and spiritual functioning – treatment should not focus on just health issues, but ensure that all these other areas are considered)
systems approach
all parts of well-being are interrelated or interconnected
(change in physical health will impact psychological and spiritual functioning – treatment should not focus on just health issues, but ensure that all these other areas are considered)
cognitive dissonance
state of conflict in the mind, whereby two opposing views are present at the same time
(suggests that the mind wants to eliminate dissonance whenever possible and does so by justifying or changing attitudes and beliefs)
a double bind
receiving two or more conflicting messages, with one negating the other
Role Playing
very effective teaching strategy and provides active learning, can teach and practice skills in sessions
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization
Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development
trust v. mistrust (infant) autonomy v. shame/doubt (toddler) initiative v. guilt (3-6) industry v. inferiority (school age) identity v. role confusion (adolescence) intimacy v. isolation (young adulthood) generavity v. stagnation (middle adulthood) ego integrity v. despair (older adults)
ego alien
means feelings that are experienced as being alien to the ego and not consistent with the client’s interests, conflicting with the rest of their view of themselves
opposite of ego alien
thoughts or feelings that are acceptable to the self and hat are compatible with one’s values and ways of thinking. They are consistent with one’s fundamental personality and beliefs
Duty to Warn
if the threats are specific and could actually happen reasonably
HIV does not fall under duty to warn, as a reason to breech client confidentiality
Psychotherapy notes
under HIPPA these must be kept “physically seperate” from the rest of the client’s record
effective method for teaching and should be used whenever possible. Showing a client how to interact is better than providing individual or group instruction.
(SW should not assume that the skill deficits are a result of a deeper clinical issue)
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
sensorimotor (0-2, imaginative play)
preoperational (2-7, can comprehend past,present,future, magical thinking, can not see anoter point of view)
concrete operations (7-11 plays games with rules, cause and effect, beginning abstract thought, rules of logic are developed)
formal operations (begins about 11 and has higher level of abstraction, assuming adult roles and thinking hypothetically)
token economy
used to reward behavior with valuable things to the client, some of them do not take away/remove any points
Object Relations Theory (Mahler)
0-1 month Normal autism (infant is detached and self absorbed - later abandoned phase with more research)
1-5 mo Normal symbiotic (child is now aware of mother but there is not a sense of individuality)
5-9 mo Seperation/Individuation (differentiation/hatching–> ignorant of differentiation, increased alertness and interest for outside world)
9-15 mo Seperation/Individuation (practicing –> infant can crawl and then walk, infant begins to explore actively and becomes more distant)
15-24 mo Seperation/individuation (rapprochement –? infant becomes close to mother again and can become more tenative and want to keep mom in their sight)
24-38 mo Object Constancy (phase when the child understands that mom has a separate identity and truly a separate individual)
payment of services
if a SW renders services, or lowers payments, they can no longer get full payment retroactively
is no longer a measurement of disability, and DSM now uses World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0)
Crisis Management
immediately relieve the stress experienced and return the client to a previous level of functioning (or assist with regaining equilibrium) and help develop coping mechanisms
(once the crisis has subsided, then the social worker would identify precursors or deal with the impacts of the trauma)
Psychoeducational Group
goal is education (I.e. learning about eating healthy or managing health problems)
psychotherapeutic groups
interacting with others who have experienced the same difficulties (i.e. couples dealing with loss, teens struggling with addiction)
Peer support is usually associated with psychotherapeutic groups
closed system
married couple is not using personal resources to ensure the health of their marriage
negative entropy
opposite of entropy; exchange of energy and resources to promote growth
latent content
type of communication; what is not visable, underlying meaning or theme of words used
manifest content
type of communication; concrete words or terms contained in the journal, explicit and overt communication
receptive communication
understanding what others say, develops earlier than expressive communication
expressive communication
using words and gestures to say what you want, develops after receptive communication
failing to provide appropriate health care, including dental care and refusal of care or ignoring medical recommendations
should be reported immediately, and it is not that job of that social worker to investigate